Family Mayen / Maijen / Maien / Maaijen / Meyen / May / Meynen / Meinen / Maeyen / Maaien
Ede, Arnhem, Bocholt, Borken
- Is there a relation between the profilis in this project?
- Does the name Mayen originate from the German town Mayen (www.mayen.de)?
https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=Mayen Mayen Name Meaning German: habitational name from a place so named in the Rhineland. The place name is related to Maifeld, the name of the area of which it is the main settlement, which is derived from the Celtic word magos ‘field’, ‘plain’. French: from a diminutive of mai, which in the dialect of Savoy denoted pasture where cattle were allowed to graze in the spring and fall, and, by extension, a hut built for the cowherd nearby. This name is also established in Mexico.
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press
Short explanation for difference in names:
The respective priest entered the family data in the parish registers. Since there was no official identification document yet, one wrote after hearing. This resulted in different spellings such as Meijnen, Maijen, Mayen and Meinen
Mayen / Maijen / Maien / Maaijen / Meyen / May / Meynen / Meinen / Maeyen / Maaien
Ede / Arnhem / Bocholt / Borken
Onderwerpen voor onderzoek:
- Waar komt de naam Mayen (en varianten)?
- Is er een relatie met de stad Mayen in Duitsland ?
- Is er een relatie te vinden tussen de profielen in dit project?
Albertus Theodoor Mayen
Johannes Hendricus Franciscus Nepunicus Maijen
Joannes Bernardus Maijen
Stadt Mayen
Mayen Name Meaning
German: habitational name from a place so named in the Rhineland. The place name is related to Maifeld, the name of the area of which it is the main settlement, which is derived from the Celtic word magos ‘field’, ‘plain’. French: from a diminutive of mai, which in the dialect of Savoy denoted pasture where cattle were allowed to graze in the spring and fall, and, by extension, a hut built for the cowherd nearby. This name is also established in Mexico.
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press