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McMahon/Karpp/Naum family reunion-get together

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Everyone who is getting this at one point or another has thought about holding some form of family reunion. We have discussed the idea it seems for years. I finally decided that nobody is getting any younger and we need to do this ASAP! After much research to where to go, a resort near Deep Creek, MD has been chosen for many reasons. Cost, accessibility, features, etc.. We initially wanted to rent a large house in New York, or near the ocean somewhere, but that soon became very clear that cost would be a MAJOR obstacle. This event will be held from July 22-25, 2011. The cost is very reasonable. Check my facebook page, "event". If you don't have a facebook account, it might be time to get on board and get an account. Also, we (are thinking about it) plan on hiring a photographer for the Saturday afternoon to document our family event and take TONS of pictures, professionally, so nobody has to worry about that. I will be in contact with each of you, soon. If you get this and are interested, please contact me via my e-mail to express your interest. I really hope we can get as many family members for this weekend as possible. Like I said, we aren't getting any younger. When will you have this opportunity again? I hope to hear from you and see you this summer. Dennis (Denny John)