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Melsetter - Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)

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  • Doulina Gertina Coetzer (1906 - d.)
    Familysearch Family Tree Doulina Gertina Coetzer (born van der Linde) Birth: Oct 29 1906 - Ladybrand, Orange Free State, South Africa Death: Zimbabwe Husband: Pieter Willem Coetzer Children: Christina...
  • Douwlina Gertina Botha (1864 - 1928)
    Death Notice: VAB MHG 21284 (1928) Personal Details Name : Mrs Dolina Gertina Botha Born in camp ? No Died in camp ? No Gender : female Race : white Marital status : married Nationality : Fr...
  • David Herculaas Johannes Botha (1858 - 1929)
    Baptism: Marriage: Death Notice: VAB MHG 22183 (1929) Database ID:8576 POW Number:9492 Surname:Botha Name:DAVID HERCULES Age:47 Address:MARSEILLES District:LADYBRAND Where Captured:FOURIESBURG W...
  • William (Bill) Raymond Chandler Staff (1912 - 1972)

The People of Melsetter

The Story of Melsetter .. written by Shirley Sinclair, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Simpson Wells is the backbone or starting point of this project. Many people who lived in Melsetter, or connected to Melsetter, are mentioned. It is available on line at various sites - including

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People mentioned


Alexander Dr.

Allen, Katie - nurse

Allot, Captain F H and Mrs. and children came from England

Allott, Ted and Olive born c.1889 -

Rosemary married Charles Owen

Ashworth, G G

Atkins, Bill - went to Rhodesia 1949, followed by his wife


Badenhorst, Rev. Mr.

Baker, Bill

Barbanell, Derek - Warden of the POutward Bound Mountain School

Bates, Rev. F W

Beck, Rev Louis

Beevers, Alice (sister of Phoebe-Ann Mueller)

Bennett, Frank

Andries Bezuidenhout

George Bezuidenhout

Bgwerudza, Rev. Makinase

Bill, David - assistant magistrate

Bill, Arthur, his son - junior clerk

Binde J D - 1914-1919 Memorial

Blanc, Dr

Boshoff, Capt. W H

Botha, Mr and Mrs - parents of Mrs. Lotter

Botha, Doulina

Botha, Johanna

Botha, Heculaas

Gerhard Petrus Bothma and his wife

du Bourg Bancroft Espeut, Henry (Moodie Trekker)

Bradbury, A L - 1914-1919 Memorial

Bredenkamp, Giellie "Mayor of Melsetter" and wife settled in Uitkyk 1913

Wife Nellie Bredenkamp - wife of Giellie

Wife - Estelle wife of Mike Bredenkamp

Danie Bredenkamp

Fanie Bredenkamp

Brent Thomas Gifford Tom



Cabbell, C R

Cannell, Alice

Cannell, Arthur

Cannell, Molly

Cashel, Major and Mrs.

Clarke, Mr. and Mrs
Clarke - teaching assistant 1902

Cloete, H A

Clyde, Rev

Condy, Inspector of Schools

Ckikukwas, Chief

Coetzer, Susan

Colquhorn, A R

Coupland, John Missionary - died 14 Nov 1897

Fairbairn Cronwright

Rupert Cronwright

Crook, Chips

Crook, Paddy - Conex Officer

Cruikshank, Miss

Curtin, V


Dawson, Elric

Delaney, Fred - died 1968 - Police reservist

Delaney, Joey - born c. 1889

Delaney, Tommy

Doner, Miss Elmina from Canada to Rusitu Mission in June 1930

Dotson, Rev. C

Dotson Mr and Mrs.


Doyle, Denis

Dredge, S G

Dzingire, sub Chief of Chief Muwushu


Edwards F E (War Memorial 1939-1945)

Elias, Frank and Annette

Elliott, F G

daughter Madge

Elton, Hallam and Beryl - gave stained glass window for church

English, J T

English, Mr and Mrs Jim

Erasmus, D J


Faan, Kleinboy

Fairbridge, R S T

Farquhar, Ian

Ferguson, F

Ferreira, Louis - court interpreter -

Wife Alice (Cannell)

Tom Ferreira,

Fitt, R

Fleming, Dr. Medical Director

Fox, Dr. Rosemary


Gahm, Alma - arrived Rusitu 1926

Gibson, Wendy

Gilson, Miss Helen - head mistress

Alfred Gifford,

Gifford, J B - 1914-1919 Memorial

Godwin, Dr. Helen - lived at Silverstream

Goldberg, B D

Green, Mr. and Mrs

Green, Catherine Daniell (Sister of Edward)

Green, Charles (brothger of Edward)

Green, Edward - died 1969 and Alicia

Green, George his son, Mutzarara

Green, Will (brother of Edward)

Margy, wife of George

Grobler, Joey - teacher

Grotwahl - farmer

Gungunyana - succeeded Mzila in 1884


Hack, Mrs. Marie, nee Martin (daughter of H D Martin)

Hanmer, Peggy and Bill (Bill Hanmer was a cousin of Captain F H Allott)

Some of the Five Hanmer children were born at Fairfield


Hayter, Annabel - sister

Hayter, C N

Hayter, Philip

Heard, Charlie

Heugh, J P

Heyns, George

Heyns, Hans

Hlamini, James (arrested for attack on Mr. Oberholtzer - guilty of murder)

Hoal, Mrs

Hoal, C C

Hoal, Edgar

Hobbs, Denis

Holland, Binks


Hulley, May

Humans of Uitkyk



Jackson, Constable Peter, aged c46 in 1897 was Native Constable - an American Negro born in Philadelphia

Jameson, Dr. (Later Sir) Leander Starr

Jessop, Dickon and Brenda

Johnson, Frank



Kennedy, Dr

Kidd, missionary

Kimpton, Herbert

King, Daisy

Kirk, Rev. Gordon

Kleyn, Joubert

Louw Kleyn

Kloppers, John and Edna

Lettie Kloppers

Schalk Kloppers

Stoffel Kloppers

Knott, Jack

Koch, Dan

Johannes A Kok

Mrs. Roasa Kok (Rautenbach

Andries Kok her son
Mike Kok

Kruger, John - Rookwood

Kruger Bettix (son of John)

Kruger, J P - (War Memorial 1939-1945)


Lawrence, Dr. W T


van der Linde, L J, (War Memorial 1939-1945)

van der Linde, Lina

van der Linde, David

Longden, William Matthias (b c1863)

Longden, Mr. and Mrs.

Lotter, Dons - his wife nee Botha

Lowry, H C - 1914-1919 Memorial


MacRae, Dr. Retired 1945

Mansergh - surveyor in charge of Beira railway

Barend Daniel Marais - Barnie Marais

Markham, J F


Eva Foreman -

Marsh, Rev. Mr. of Mt. Selinda

Marshall, Cecil and Mary

Marshall, Hugh (brother of Cecil)

Marshall, Lawrence

Gideon Martin - butcher (Married Mrs. Steyn)

Johannes Jan Lodewijk Martin

John Martin and his wife Hester nee du Preez. John was President of the Farmer's Assoc. and MP for Eastern

Wickus Martin, her son

Marthinus Jacobus Martin - trek leader (farm Rocklands)

Marthinus Jacobus Martin Jnr and his wife

Martindale, Mrs.

Maurice, John

Mawdsley, Jack

Mayne, A - 1914-1919 Memorial

McAlpine, Sir Alfred & Sons

McBeran, L M - survey assistant

McCosh, F W J - headmaster

McCosh Fred and Olga

McDonald, Sir James

McLeod, G E - kept library going. Wife Rachael?

and Children

McLeod, Mr and Mrs Harris

McLeod, Horace and Olive

Llewelyn Cambria Meredith died 1942 and Mrs.

Cyril Meredith his son

Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. started Biriiri Mission

van der Merwe, N P , - (War Memorial 1939-1945)

Middlemore, Mr.

Mlamo, Victor - (arrested for attack on Mr. Oberholtzer - guilty of murder)

Mogg, Miss

Moodie George Benjamin Dunbar (b 1861)

Sarah Moodie wife of Dunbar

Thomas Moodie

Johan Moolman of Voorspoed

Moss, Sergeant W F of Melsetter Mounted Police

Mtasa, Chief

Mueller, Dr. Chiko and Mrs. Phoebe-Ann Mueller nee Beevers Murphy, John and Elizabeth Blackwood (Elizabeth's parents were Dr. and Mrs. Rose)

Rev. Andrew Murray - moderator of the DRC in SA

Murray, C A

Murray, F N

Murray, Neale and Peggy

Mutendi, daughter of Chief Ngorima, was the first African woman was converted at Rusitu mission

Mutema, Chief

Muwushu, Chief

Mzila, Chief of the Gaza people


Neale, F

Nesbit, Joe - Police officer

Nesbitt, Inspector R C

Nesse, Mr. and Mrs (came to Rhodesia in 1952) Norman and Maynie

Nethersole, Mrs. Springfield

Nethersole, Patricia and Ken

?their daughters?

Shelagh Nethersole
June Nethersole


Nezar C J - (War Memorial 1939-1945)

Ngorima, Chief

Niblock, Dr. Bryce G.M.O.


Nixon, D V S


O'Brient, Iva Mae

Pieter Johannes Andries Oberholtzer - aged 45 on 4th July 1964 (killed in attack), father of 6 children

Oliver, Lofty and Chris

Olivey, Ann died 1937

daughter Annabel

Olivey, John - died 1968 - lay reader - awarded Military Cross

Mickey Tollner- wife of John

Olivey, Tony - son of John and Mickey
Olivey, Charles - son of John and Mickey

Christiaan Olwage

Wife Hester Cecilia

Abraham Olwage

Hendrik Francois Olwage

Orpen, Claude

Orpen, Mr. and Mrs. (sister of David Bill's wife)

Owen, Charles



Paget, Bishop

Papenfus, J N and wife

son Koos

Pike, Bert Postmaster

Pine-Coffin, T J - 1914-1919 Memorial

Plunket, Mr. and Mrs. - Rathmore

Plunket brothers

Robin (lay reader) and his wife Jennifer (grand-daughter of D'Urban Barry - 1890 Pioneer)

van der Post, Colonel Laurens

du Preez, Naas

Prinsloo, William

Pritchett, Hugh and Bobbie

du Plessis, Hendrik and Mrs.

du Preez, Mrs.

du Preez, Lieut. Col. DSO MC


Qualle, Dorothy


Rany - missionary

Rawstone, Edward

Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Verne of Rusiti Mission

Reid, G P - (War Memorial 1939-1945)

Remmer, Sergeant Herbert

Rhodes, Cecil John - visited in 1900

van Riet, G J

Roberts, Farewell

Roberts, L F H

Roberts, T F - (War Memorial 1939-1945)

Robertson, O S A

Rogers, P

Dr. William George Rose, MBE -

Wife - Mary Elizabeth Ward

le Roux, Rev/Predikant P L

e Roux, Mrs

le Roux, Carl


Saunders, Major

Sawerthal, Henry


Schonken, Lavina

Schonken, Jan

Schultz, Dr.

Selous, F C

Shinn, P

Simpson, Lieut H J - 1914-1919 Memorial

Simpson, Mr. Jack and Mrs. Joan

Sims, Sir Arthur - New Zealand financier

his daughter Margaret,
her husband Lewis Black

Sinclair, G A

Sinclair, Geoff

Sinclair, Jim and Barbara

Sinclair S M (Pat) Married Shirley

Smith, Mrs. J - teacher

Soffe, A C

Staff - Bill and Helen Kloppers

Stanley, D M - law agent from c 1907 to 1930

Stelp, Heather

Steel, H W

Steyn, Daantjie

Steyn, Frans

Steyn, Hannes

Steyn, Philip

Strasheim, Rev P A

Sutherland, Dr. I - District Surgeon and Mrs.

Swanepoel, Nicklaas

Syme, Jim and Helen


Tamanewenyu, Chief - of Muwushu, died Jan 1970

Taylor, Lilliasn, started at Risitu in 1929

Teague, A W C

Theunissen - Mr. and Mrs. of Beverley Park - department store

Thompson, Dr W L pf Mount Selinda Mission

du Toit, Botha, and his wife Sheba (nee Ward)

Tom, Long - Native Constable

Townsend-Green, Mr. and Mrs




Wall, David - school headmaster 1969

Wallace, Fred

James Ward


Wife Emily Malloch Ward No children

Emily Ward - died before 1924 - Mrs. Rose's (Mary Elizabeth Ward)'s sister
James Ward, (Jim) (Mary Rose's brother)

Wife - Amy Rowe Williams

Son James Ward -Jimmy
daughter Sheba Ward

Watson, J P - (War Memorial 1939-1945)

Wayland, A E surveyor

Webster, W

Wells Shirley (married Sinclair)

Wells, Dr. Simpson

Whittall, Mrs

Wiese, Dawid

Wiese, P J

Wiese, P T


Williams, Jumbo

Williams, Tom - woodwork instructor

Willows, Miss

Willows, George

Willows, T

Wilson, Sir Ian (T I F ) MP

Windram, P F

Winwood, Barbara and Teddy

Wood, Rev. Douglas


Diervogel, Dr. J P

Ziervogel, G B - (War Memorial 1939-1945)

Further Reading