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Menominee County, Wisconsin

Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Menominee County, Wisconsin.

Official Website

The county was created from the northeastern portion of 7 townships of Shawano County and the Western 3 townships of Oconto County on July 3, 1959, in anticipation of the termination of the Menominee Indian Reservation in 1961. The reservation status was restored in 1973, and is now co-extensive with the county.

Most of the land within the county boundary is under Federal trust for the exclusive use by enrolled members of the Menominee nation. Scattered parcels that were purchased during termination, as well as many lots around the Legend Lake area in the southeastern part of the county, are the only parts of the county that are privately owned by non-Native Americans. Most of Menominee County's population consists of members of the Menominee nation.

Adjacent Counties

Towns & Communities

  • Keshena (County Seat)
  • Legend Lake
  • Menominee
  • Middle Village (part)
  • Neopit
  • Perote
  • Zoar


Cemeteries of Wisconsin



Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin

Roots Web

Genealogy Trails

Menominee County Historical Society