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Meredith Square Cemetery, Meredith, New York

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  • Abigail Rich (1759 - 1826)
    Daughter of Hezekiah Gridley and Abigail Peck. Wife of William Rich. (Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site, Meredith Square Cemetery Transcription by Bernice Graham Telian)
  • William Rich (1753 - 1822)
    Son of William Rich and Mary Rowe or Rew, husband of Abigail Gridley. (Connecticut Town Birth Records, pre-1870 (Barbour Collection), Farmington Vital Records, for William Rich, page 317; Delaware Cou...

This project is for those buried in Meredith Square Cemetery, Meredith, Delaware County, New York.

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Delaware County, New York Genealogy & History Site