Military veterans in our family.
Nationwide Veterans Gravesite Locator https://gravelocator.cem.va.gov/index.html
The Arlington National Cemetery provides information on service members buried there. https://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/Explore/Find-a-Grave http://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/GravesiteLocator/GravesiteLocator....
The American Battle Monuments Commission provides information on service members buried in overseas cemeteries. https://www.abmc.gov/
- Lawrence Gene Avicola, USMC
- Keith Harrington Baerman, WWII
- Lucius "Luke" Durham Battle, US Army, WWII, Diplomat
- Prosper O. Bowe, Civil War
- William H. Bresett, US Army, WWII
- Cuthbert B. Bridwell, Jr., Civil War
- William Henry Harrison Bridwell, Civil War
- Sergeant Charles L. Carman, US Army, WWII + Korea
- Merton Douglas Dashner, US Army, KIA Italy, WWII
- Chauncey Durham, Civil War
- Cummings Durham, Civil War
- Jehial "Joel" Van Rensselaer Durham
- Loyde Ellwyn Durham, US Army, Korea + Vietnam
- Sergeant George R. Eskridge, Revolutionary War
- Raymond Virgil Flinchum, US Army, WWII
- SMSgt Leroy Flynn, USAF
- Harold Formhals, US Army, WWII
- PFC John Hamblin, US Army, Korea
- Sergeant John "Jack" Shepard Hancock, USAF, WWII
- Robert "Bob" L. Hite, US Army, Korea
- Richard C. Karstens, USN, WWII
- Moses Absoleon Kebner, Jr., Civil War
- Chief John "Jack" Paulsen Lovaas, USN WWII
- Charles Edward Fredrick Mittman, I
- Hosea Moore
- Major James Paul Moore, Jr., WWII Veteran Pilot
- Jonathan Ford Moore, Sr.
- Sylvanus Moore (Civil War Veteran)
- Private William Thomas Moore, Civil War
- Francis Neal, KIA Civil War
- Arthur Clinton Nichols, WWII Veteran
- Fire Captain William Bernard O'Grady, USN WWII
- Billy Joe Proctor, USN Korea
- Charles Rodney Purtee (WWI Veteran)
- John L. Regan, US Army WWII
- PFC John E. Sanford, US Army WWII
- Clarence F. Schorge (WWII)
- Captain Ralph H. Schorge, US Army WWII
- Corporal Edward Raymond Schorge, US Army WWI
- Captain Earl Banker Scott, US Army, WWII
- Sergeant Balthasar "Walter" Seim, Civil War
- Corporal Clyde "Smokey" H. Stone, US Army WWII
- Charles Newton Sniper, Jr. (USCG WWII)
- Donald Walter Sniper (USN WWII)
- Tech Sergeant Howard Philip Studor, USAF WWII + Korea
- Joseph Van Arsdall (WWII Veteran)
- Alden J. Wetmore (Civil War Veteran)
- Joseph H. Wetmore (Civil War Veteran)
- Daniel Amos Wright, Civil War Veteran
- George Amos Wright, WWI
- Oscar Shirley Wright, USN WWI
- Phillip Silas Wright, WWI Veteran
Updated: 08/29/2020