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Miner County, South Dakota

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Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Miner County, South Dakota.

The area is situated on the site of Dakota Sioux trails that connected two sites of cultural significance to the Dakota people, the pipestone quarries in southwestern Minnesota and the Sioux Crossing of the Three Rivers, near present-day Fort Thompson.

The Fort Ridgely and South Pass Wagon Road, also known as Nobles Trail, the first road in Dakota Territory, passed through the area. It was made in 1857, connecting Fort Ridgley, Minnesota with South Pass in Wyoming Territory, along the Oregon Trail. The Minnesota and Powder River Road of 1865 also passed through the county.

The boundaries of present-day Miner County experienced several changes during territorial times. The county was established in 1873 by the Dakota Territorial Legislature. It was named for Captain Nelson Miner of Vermillion and Ephriam Miner of Yankton, both of whom were members of the Territorial Legislature in 1873.

Adjacent Counties

Cities, Towns, Townships & Communities

Adams | Argonne | Beaver | Belleview | Canova | Carthage | Clearwater | Clinton | Epiphany (part) | Fedora | Grafton | Green Valley | Henden | Howard (County Seat) | Miner | Redstone | Rock Creek | Roswell | Vermillion | Vilas


Cemeteries of South Dakota


Genealogy Trails

SD Gen Web

Miner County Historical Society