"Morley" was a convict ship that made multiple journeys to Australia
- (Convict Ship) departed England 18/12/1816 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 16/4/1817 (175 convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Downs 18/7/1818 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 7/11/1818 (164 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed London, England 22/5/1820 and arrived in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia in 1820 and then arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 30/9/1820 (121 female convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed The Downs on 25/9/1822 and arrived Hobart, Tasmania, Australia on 11/1/1823 (172 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Dublin on 3/11/1828 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 3/3/1829 (195 male convicts) - brought Whooping Cough to Australia
- (Convict Ship) departed The Downs on 10/8/1829 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 3/12/1829 (200 convicts)
This project is for the fifth journey which departed Dublin on 3/11/1828 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 3/3/1829 (195 male convicts) - brought Whooping Cough to Australia
- Allcock, William
- Atchinson, James
- Bailey, William
- Barry, Peter
- Bean, John
- Blons, Henry
- Boden, Patrick
- Bowles, William
- Boylan, Michael
- Boylan, Michael
- Brogues, Peter
- Brown, John
- Brown, William
- Bryan, John
- Bryan, Thomas
- Bryan, Thomas
- Buckley, James
- Byrne, Edward
- Byrne, John
- Byrne, Michael
- Byrne, Thomas
- Carolin, Matthew
- Carty, Thomas
- Cary, James
- Casey, Richard
- Casey, Thomas
- Cassin, Thomas
- Chuthamer, Garry Samuel
- Clancy, B.
- Clark, John
- Clarke, Arthur
- Comber, John
- Conlon, Patrick
- Conner, Charles
- Conway, James
- Coorigan, James
- Coughlan, Terence
- Crawford, Lindsay
- Crawford, Samuel
- Crossey, William
- Cunningham, John
- Cunningham, Thomas
- Curtis, John
- Cusack, Richard
- Daley, Bernard
- Davies, William
- Davis, Matthew
- Devlin, James
- Dillon, John
- Donnellan, Joseph
- Dowling, Thomas
- Downing, John
- Doyle, John
- Drain, Henry
- Drathe, John
- Duffy, Peter
- Elgen, John
- Elliott, John
- England, Robert
- Fahy, Thomas
- Feenarty, Michael
- Fitzpatrick, Nicholas
- Flood, Patrick
- Flynn, John
- Frazer, Laurence
- Gaffy, Thomas
- Gallagher, Thomas
- Garvin, William
- Gleeson, John
- Glynn, Laurence
- Gorman, Hugh
- Grainan, Patrick
- Greer, Thomas
- Guin, James
- Gwynn, John
- Hansen, Thomas
- Henwood, Samuel
- Huston, John
- Janis, Phillip
- Jennings, James
- Johnston, Alexander
- Kane, Hugh
- Kane, John
- Keaghrey, William
- Keegan, William
- Keenan, Patrick
- Kelly, Charles
- Kelly, Edward
- Kelly, Hugh
- Kelly, John
- Kelly, John
- Kelly, Patrick
- Kelly, Richard
- Kenna, James
- Kennedy, Thomas
- Lavery, Hugh
- Littlefield, George
- Loughlin, John
- Lyons, William
- Mack, Thomas
- Magehan, Daniel
- Magraw, John
- Malone, Thomas
- Mangen, Peter
- Mara, John
- Marmion, William
- Martin, James
- McAlampley, Owen
- McAneny, Patrick
- McBride, John
- McCabe, Patrick
- McCaffery, John
- McCann, Thomas
- McCarthy, Stephen
- McCluney, John
- McColless, Charles
- McCuddin, Bernard
- McDennet, Michael
- McDermot, Michael
- McDermot, Michael
- McDonald, Christopher
- McDonnell, Bernard
- McDonnell, Charles
- McGarrity, John
- McGonnigle, Thomas
- McGregor, James
- McGruth, Samuel
- McGuire, John
- McGuire, Michael
- McGuire, Patrick
- McLeod, Laurence
- McMillon, William
- McSwine, John
- Meehan, James
- Meehan, John
- Miskelly, Thomas
- Molley, Patrick
- Moore, Andrew
- Moore, William
- Mulholland, Alexander
- Mulligan, Edward
- Mulligan, Francis
- Murphy, John
- Murphy, Nicholas
- Murphy, William
- Nicholson, Peter
- Noble, Thomas
- O'Hara, Valentine
- O'Neill, John
- Potter, John
- Quigley, Charles
- Reid, Bryan
- Reid, Samuel
- Reilley, Daniel
- Reilly, Edward
- Rielly, James
- Rogan, James
- Rooney, Peter
- Rooney, Thomas
- Rowlan, Edward
- Russell, William
- Ryan, John
- Ryan, Thomas
- Ryan, Timothy
- Scott, John
- Scott, William
- Smith, John
- Smyth, Patrick
- Spears, Thomas
- Spencer, George
- Stafford, Thomas
- Sutherland, James
- Taylor, James
- Taylor, William
- Tighe, Maurice
- Timmons, Francis
- Toole, Patrick
- Toony, Patrick
- Trail, James
- Waller, Murray David
- Walsh, James
- Walsh, James
- Walsh, Thomas
- Waters, George
- Weldon, Peter
- Wheeler, William
- Whitford, James
- Williams, William