These have been my brick walls since 1976 - and they have been the bricks walls fo the family researchers before me
It has been my hope to discover some leads but this far nothing has really surfaced in all these years.
I am changing this into a a research Log of sorts; can not change title to reflect this tho :-( - -
Problems I have found in the PAST resulting from the GENI download and import -
- - Spouse marked as "divorced" or "ex-partner" are not brought down - in any type of GEDCOM - THIS IS UN ACCEPTABLE especially of children are a result of the union. - no ot> her GEDCOM from sources such as MyHertiage or Ancestry does this.
- - sourcing or sourcing links are just brought down as a " #" and are entirely blank they are entirely useless - I have deleted them out of the file; no photos or documents - guess understandable - but i think those a person supplies as online work should be included in their GEDCOM - we should get our work back as a "whole"
Have been told by many on GENI that GEDCOM is "archaic" - its still being used tho by many to exchange data; to transform data from on online site to another online site etc. Yes some may consider it "archaic" but without it everything we have done online or in an offline program would have to all be re-entered manually Tho termed "archaic" it is still the the means of sharing; retrieving online trees for personal use and files - no one wants to hand abstract all the data from an on line tree/program into a personal private file.
I have done a GENI download today (10 Oct 2016) of "Ancestors" from my father - seems like all problems have been resolved - except for #2 whether it is because of the new program or what - but I won't complain - I may be stupid but I am going to try and clean up it and import it into my main one. I may create more problems but I hope not - thus far its looks good.
I am sitting here working literally amused, and confused...
I pulled the GEDCOM from GENI directly from my dad; me nor my mother is in it; but when verifying and comparing the names it is going through my mother!!!!
Also it is using the "Display Name" 99.99% of the time on GENI from person to person but the GEDCOM only pulled down the data base name and does not match the "Display name" exactly so as goign through making sure the name matches the display name as that is what leads you forward or backward in GENI not the "real or data base names" another very confusing matter. In a way no wonder so many mistakes are made.
Clean-up methods for all after the Immigrant ancestor
- - I have added a data field for display name as is on GENI - because A GENI gedcom does not bring this down but is the main search name on GENI 98% of the time
- - Thus I am using the "Display name" only for my data field's - reason is 98% that is what GENI searches on and also that is the name that is used in the brief description of the family members the data field names is rarely used on GENI but to be there.
- - I have added a data field for the actual or data base name on GENI - ti shows all names as are in data fields - Given - Middle - surname - birth name - suffix
- - Cleaning out the Given & middle / Surname fields to just names only (birth name is not is offline programs) - things such as "of.."; titles, and prefixes are being put in the suffix field besides the normal suffixes (Jr., Sr. 2nd) in my files - as those placed the data fields hinder searches and searching.
Sorry "of London, of Scotland etc. is not a given name, a middle name of a surname or birth name
Sorry same with include titles of King, Count are not t a given name, a middle name of a surname or birth name
searches are based on the surname field
this extra data within given - middle - surname - birth name - suffix produces some hilarious and frustrating combinations even for the
the seasoned genealogist - and a complete night mare of the novice genealogist
- - I have added a data field for any profile that's dated 2013- forward that does not carry a curator's name if not these seem to be superlative profiles - some are because of duplicates entered to get around Mastered & locked profiles. - carrying out only one generation of "superlative" & spouse if available - copying and pasting the profile information as a research tool for later on
- - I am cleaning out all the "About me" notes" as many go on forever as a result of merges & because of this some have the same information repeatedly over and over as never have been cleaned-up - they can be added back in at a later date
- - Major accomplishment Rootsmagic7 allows for clearing out all the extra data and alternate names in one "big swoop: in under facts and check only the basic facts to gedcom - birth, christening/baptism (can be debatable was has been used for other than that); marriage, marriage bond, divorce, separation, death, burial, cremation , all else goes when GEDCOM from sites such as GENI, Ancestry, MyHertiage. Start basically with a clean slate except of "Nicknames"
This is an attempt to save/vassalage a 46 year plus genealogical research + as a lot I was handed down by researchers long gone and paid research done on the Burns Thomas ancestry on my husbands lines of the late 1970's early 1980's. . It took 10+ years to data base in from October 1986 to about 1996 - of all paper forms; xeroxed materials - I started with Everton's "My Ancestors" which allowed only 16 lines of notes & sourcing; to PAF (Personal Ancestral FIle) 2.0v-4.0; now to RootsMagic7 i dabbled with a few along the way but did not lick - I have also FTM (Family TreeMaker from ancestry which I use as a research tool mainly.
RootsMagic7 Easy of clean-up
How to leave the basics in a File - Name Given, Surname, birth, marriage, death, burial (with places), suffix fields
Clean out unwanted facts (chr., titles, prefixes, bap; residences)-
Got to Add fact Edit Then individual for each each fact listed and "uncheck" under Include when: "Exporting to GEDCOM FILES.
NIcknames go to Search Tab down to Search and replace down to Field to Search "NickNames" down to Search for enter * down to Replace with leave Blank Hit "Okay"
Then do an Export and before doing
Under GEDCOM Export - uncheck everything but the RM Formating & Deatail boxes.
D the Export
Make new workign files
All the should be left to deal with is place holders such as N, NN, nn, MNU; spouse that bear the mans' name or Mrs...
- Convert all profiles to the "DISPLAY NAME" as on GENI the link backward and forward and searching on GENI is KEYED to that and
not or rarely to the data fields of Surname/middle name//Last Name/suffix/Birth Name
- delete all NN, and other various place holders
- if the profile is linked back change place holder to reflect
son of... / husband of... using the EXACT wording as appears in the synopsis a cut & paste
daugher of.../wife of...using the EXACT wording as appears in the synopsis a cut & paste
eliminate the "Surname" for now in these profiles
- Eliminate all references to the "Nickname" field in my RootsMagic file -
- Color code "Blue" where I have been
- color code "Red" bogus profiles and delete - not leaving "Hanging" as done on GENI to come back and slap me in face when ready to merge
- when run into overlapping descend color code "Lime" and re check to make sure has been corrected to the "Display Name" on GENI
- Pray hard i am making no mistakes and all this work and effort will have its rewards in the end :-)
Labeled Brick Walls --Direct Line Ancestors
End of Line Profiles
Alexander Todd, Kings Coiner In 1451
Master Profiles - Direct Line Only
James Todd of Toddsttown
Immigrant Ancestors
Possible Spurious Pedigrees
Profiles without documentation generally after a MP'd and dated 2013-? non curated etc.
Direct Line Profiles
Alvin Robert McKee and Reba Doris Emery
James Garfield (Jim) G McKee and Lillie Gladys Vandeventer (1028)
Robert Thomas McKee Husband of Margaret Jane McIndoo; Martha Ann Mckee (Dye) and Elizabeth Burdsall
Joseph Howe McKee and Lucinda Bartlett
Robert McKee and Mary Todd
James McKee and Lydia Todd
William McKee and Mary McKee ([-?-])
John Todd of Mercer Co. KY and Mrs John Todd of Mercer Co. KY
William Todd, Sr. and Lydia Todd (Lowe)
John "the Todd" and ?? Isabella Todd (Parker) ?? Note she has always been questioned and Rosa Todd (Cornell)
James Todd of Todds Town Husband of Rebecca Caldwell; Isabelle Parker and Racheal Nielson NOTE my files and research has always only listed Rebecca as one and only wife
Andrew Thomas Todd and Margaret Todd (Gordon)
John Todd and Isabella
Alexander Todd and Helen Todd (Deans)
Alexander Todd, Kings Coiner In 1451 and Jean Helen Todd
Revolutionary War Veterans or Patriots from my Ancestors
This was a separate project for several years - I have deleted the project and combined it into here
A means for me to track my revolutionary War service ancestors and to update and verify their service if no documentation has been
I filed back in the late 1970's on
and was a member of a local chapter Wythougen at Plymouth Marshall county Indiana until the mid 1990's when i could no longer afford the dues.
I have my papers as well as others from a couple of cousins on them
i have other members papers for
Thomas Hardesty - he is not the Harrison county Indian Rev. Veteran - some are trying to prove & get Patriotic service on him - Others are adament he served in the Rev. War - He was of Anne Arundel county Maryland,
Coschocton county Ohio and finally Greene county Indiana
Rebecca Emery - wife of Ambrose some were trying to get Patriotic service on here as 'family tradition' is that she cooked for and aided soldiers in George Washington's camp which was to have been withing distant of her home.
Other Distant ancestors in my tree
My Projects - Families
Edington Family New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio Edington Family New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio
Descendants of John and Anthony Emery of Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts
Dye / Duyts family from DERICK or RICHARD DUYTSZEN
Mckees of Virginia, Kentucky & Indiana
Todd's of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky Todd's of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky
Paul Turley - descendants of Fairfax county Virginia
Sexton Family of Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana
van Deventer Family - Jan or John Pietersz van Deventer of New Amsterdam
Mewhirter / mcwhirter - Robert & his wife Elizabeth Taylor
Stoker Family of Virginia and Kentucky
Soule/Sowle/Soole Family Project
Valentin Alt / ault and his descendants
My Projects - Areas
Greene County Indiana Research and Ancestors
Culver, Marshall, Indiana Genealogy
Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana
My Projects - General Genealogy
Abbreviations & Acronyms for Genealogy - The Accepted
Common Genealogical Mistakes Made
Data Entry Standards for Genealogists & Research
Miscellaneous Projects
[https://www.geni.com/projects/Jacob-Emery-Rev-of-Sussex-county-New-Jersey/2594 Jacob Emery, Rev of Sussex county New Jersey]
Clean-up Thomas McKee and son Col. Alexander McKee and their wives