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  • Susanna Johanna Etsebeth, b2c4d7e2 (bef.1810 - d.)
    Reference no.: MOOC8/69.18a Testator(s): Burgert Christiaan Maree Margaretha Judith le Roux November 1824 Inventaris mitsg:s tauxatie van alle zodanige goederen als er ab intestato metter dood zijn ont...
  • Alfred Sidney Pringle (1876 - 1952)
    OVERBERG FAMILIES - H. J. (HAPPY) ENGELA 48132 d11 Alfred Sydney PRINGLE (48120/x), * Kokstad 12.03.1876, † 19.09.1952 »a 1. He was born on Etterick farm and became a farmer »» Kinders (5): 48133, 4813...
  • James Adamson, b1 (1833 - c.1896)
    137 b1 James ADAMSON (136/x), * Cape Town .12.1833, † Elliot 27.10.1896 »a 1. He was a schoolmaster 2. He died at Erf 64, Gubenka 3. Estate KAB MOOC 6/9/358 R2745 »» Kinders (4): 138, 139, 140, 141 x S...
  • Cecilia Maria de Wet (1835 - 1903)
    Overberg Families- HJ Engela Navorsing. • Verw:13240 • g4 Cecilia Maria DE WET (13205/x),# Born Somerset East .06.1835,# † Elliot 11.10.1903 Married# • Frederik Christoffel HENDRIKSE # • James ADAMSON ...
  • Jennie Catherine Adams (1902 - 1954)

'==Purpose - to document all the families of the area of Overberg here.==

  1. Add as many SV/PROG in body
  • Mostly made use of the Genealogical Register researched and given to the Genealogical Society of SA by H J (Happy) - Engela
  • HAPPY Genealogical Database This work, includes early families resident in the Overberg, the Engela family in Southern Africa, Lumley family of Natal,
  • Descendants of Robert Hart
  • and some families of the 1820 Settlers
  1. Where is the Overberg The Overberg is an undefined area of the Western Cape which and lies between the Sonderend Mountains and the sea with the Helderberg Mountains forming the western limit. The work originally stopped just short of Swellendam in the east but later data has included that area and beyond. The prime sources of information have been the 9000 hand-written copies Happy have made of Death Notices filed in the Cape Archives and various church or official registers augmented by information obtained from the works of Pama, Heese. De Villiers, GISA and individual families. A great help has been the recording of graves undertaken by the researcher of this genealogy
  2. SURNAMES Different spellings are a constant problem. A few examples are the different versions of de Bruyn and de Bruin, Rossouw and Russouw etc plus several versions of Ollewagen. In the genealogy of a single family these differences are of no importance and, in some formats, the surname is only given for the first entry. Then there are the van Aarde and van Aardt families, the Crause and Crous families who have the same progenitor. In most of the cases the version that appears most frequently is used preceded, in brackets, by the version actually appearing in the documentation. In borderline cases, the spelling that has the largest number of entries in the 1989 Voters’ Roll has been used the programme requires a surname and where a maiden name is unknown, the married name is shown preceded by an asterisk. Aknowledgement to OVERBERG FAMILIES-GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH BY H. J. (Happy) ENGELA
  3. Further information of Overberg Overberg is a region in South Africa to the east of Cape Town beyond the Hottentots-Holland mountains. It lies along the Western Cape Province's south coast between the Cape Peninsula and the region known as the Garden Route in the east. The boundaries of the Overberg are the Hottentots-Holland mountains in the West; the Riviersonderend Mountains, part of the Cape Fold Belt, in the North; the Atlantic and Indian Oceans in the South and the Breede River in the East.

The area has always been considered as the breadbasket of the Cape and is largely given to grain farming — mainly wheat. The wheat fields are a major breeding ground for South Africa's national bird, the Blue Crane. Another important food farmed in the Overberg is fruit with the Elgin Valley being the second largest supplier of fruit in South Africa.

Nestled in the Overberg, one can find the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve (recognised and registered with UNESCO) populated with a large diversity of flowering plants not found anywhere else in the fynbos biome.

The major towns are Hermanus, Caledon, Bredasdorp and Swellendam and the region includes Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point of Africa. The landscape is dominated by gently to moderately undulating hills enclosed by mountains and the ocean.

The name, derived from Over 't Berg, means "over the (Hottentots-Holland) mountain" and is a reference to the region's location relative to Cape Town.

  • Towns of Overberg
  1. Hermanus
  • Hermanus (originally called Hermanuspietersfontein, but shortened as the name was too long for the postal service), is a town on the southern coast of the Western Cape province of South Africa. It is famous for southern right whale watching during the southern winter and spring and is a popular retirement town. The whales can be seen from the cliffs in the town centre as early as June and usually depart in early December. They were once hunted in the nearby town of Betty's Bay, but are now protected to ensure the survival of the species. The Old Harbour Museum contains several exhibitions that explain the whaling industry, and the De Wetshuis Photo Museum houses an exhibition of photos by T D Ravenscroft that depicts the history of Hermanus. The Whale Museum houses a skeleton of a whale and shows an audio-visual presentation of whales and dolphins twice daily.
  1. Geskiedenis Hermanus Pieters was die eerste inwoner van Hermanus en het ook die fontein ontdek. Hy het in die 1830's die plek ontdek en elke somer hierheen getrek vir weiding vir sy vee. Die Henn-familie het gevolg, vyf seuns en vyf dogters met gades, onder leiding van Michael Henn, 'n Duitse visserman. Walter MacFarlane het in 1891 die eerste hotel gebou en was ook die eerste burgemeester toe dit 'n munisipalitiet geword het in 1904. Die gevaarlike ou hawe is vervang met 'n nuwe hawe na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog en die kommersiële visbedryf het heelwat verbeter.


icn_favorite.gif Abrahamson icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Ackerman icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Ackhurst icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Adam icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Alberts icn_favorite.gif

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icn_favorite.gif Belshaw icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Beneke icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Buchner icn_favorite.gif


icn_favorite.gif Cordier icn_favorite.gif




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icn_favorite.gif Haarhoff icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Hart icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Henn icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Hull icn_favorite.gif




icn_favorite.gif Klink icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Kreisch icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Kuun icn_favorite.gif


icn_favorite.gif Lumley icn_favorite.gif


icn_favorite.gif Malherbe icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Maree icn_favorite.gif

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icn_favorite.gif Ollewagen(Olwage) icn_favorite.gif


icn_favorite.gif Patinger icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Pieters(e) icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Pohl icn_favorite.gif

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icn_favorite.gif Roos icn_favorite.gif





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icn_favorite.gif van Graan icn_favorite.gif

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icn_favorite.gif von Molendorf icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Voortman icn_favorite.gif


icn_favorite.gif Wienand icn_favorite.gif


icn_favorite.gif Ziegler icn_favorite.gif

icn_favorite.gif Zietsman icn_favorite.gif

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