Détails particuliers de cette traversée Details of this voyage
Le Captaine Pierre le Besson parti du port de Saint-Nazaire le 25 juin 1653 pour Québec avec 122 passagers dont la plupart sont des soldats.
The aged and rotting ship began to take on water, after only several days at sea. Though the men did their best to plug up the holes, it was clear that they had to abandon ship. De Maisonneuve, fearing that if they went back to France, most of his recruits would back out, instead brought them safely to a small island, with little chance of escape (though a few did try), until he was able to procure another vessel. Marguerite Bourgeoys was able to calm the passengers, and avoid a mutiny; but just barely.
It took several weeks to find another ship, le Saint Nazaire, and have it equipped, but they finally departed a second time on July 20, 1653, which happened to be St. Marguerite’s day, the patron saint of Marguerite Bourgeoys, so how could they lose. All made it safely to Quebec.
Liste des passagers Passenger List
Voir le Saint Nazaire.