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Pembina County, North Dakota

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Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Pembina County, North Dakota.

Official Website

Founded in 1867, the county was named for the Chippewa word for high bush cranberries, which grew in the area.

The first Icelandic settlements in what is now North Dakota were established in Pembina County in the late 1870s. Many of the immigrants came from New Iceland near Lake Winnipeg, along with other Icelanders who moved into the area from colonies in Wisconsin. The new settlers lived primarily in the so-called "Icelandic Townships".

Adjacent Provinces & Counties


  • Bathgate
  • Canton City
  • Cavalier (County Seat)
  • Crystal
  • Drayton
  • Hamilton
  • Mountain
  • Neche
  • Pembina
  • St. Thomas
  • Walhalla

Other Reservations, Townships & Communities: Advance, Akra, Backoo, Beaulieu, Carlisle, Concrete, Elora, Felson, Gardar, Glasston, Hallson, Joliette, La Moure, Lincoln, Lodema, Midland, Park, Pembina Band of Chippewa, Pittsburgh, St. Joseph, Thingvalla and Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa


Cemeteries of North Dakota



National Register of Historic Places

Genealogy Trails

Genealogy Village

Pembina County Pioneer Daughters


Pembina County Marriage Records - (1872-1932)

Trails to the Past