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Puolalaiset Suomessa - Polacy w Finlandii

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  • Genoveva Dunderfelt (1906 - 1976)
  • Wincenty Zylinski (1877 - 1935)
  • Countess Eveline Humniecki (1801 - 1850)
    Eveline Kempsky von Rokozyn född 1801, död 1850, dotter av översten greve Alexander Louis Andreas Kempsky von Rokozyn och Evelina von Boczkovsky. Gift 1:o med Bernt Fredrik Ulrik Stackleberg . Gift...
  • Jacenty Dankowski (1876 - d.)
    Lived in Helsinki, Finland, around 1910-1918 and he was a portier in Saint Henriks katedral as his brother. In Poland he lived in Częstochowa
  • Jan Dankowski (1873 - 1929)
    In Dokuments is a familytree and research by Questio from Poland. Helsingissä vuodesta 1904, Helsingin Kaupunginvaltuuston kokous tiistaina lokakuun 29 päivänä 1918, viitattu 11.2.2020 Married / Vih...

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