Located northeast of New Raymer, [Weld County], Colorado, north 1 mile on CR 129 and east 1/2 mile on CR 88 to a large steel gateway and cattleguard on the north, this roadway leads to the cemetery on top of the hill, SW 1/2 Sec 26, Twp 8N, Rg 58W. GPS reading is Latitude: N40.62962, Longitude: W103.83286.
In June 1915 a petition was circulated to organize a cemetery association. Land belonging to Harry White, was purchased at $50 per acre for 5 acres. Mr White donated the land that leads to the cemetery and agreed to build a fence along the road. The Town Clerk was custodian of the records in Feb 1975. The cemetery is still in use.
It is also known as New Raymer Cemetery.