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Please add profiles of people who were born, lived or died in (or were notable for their ties to) Red Hook, Brooklyn.

Red Hook is a neighborhood in western Brooklyn, New York City, New York, within the area once known as South Brooklyn. It is located on a peninsula projecting into the Upper New York Bay and is bounded by the Gowanus Expressway and the Carroll Gardens neighborhood on the northeast, Gowanus Canal on the east, and the Upper New York Bay on the west and south. A prosperous shipping and port area in the early 20th century, the area declined in the latter part of the century. Today it is home to the Red Hook Houses, the largest housing project in Brooklyn.

Red Hook is part of Brooklyn Community District 6, and its primary ZIP Code is 11231. It is patrolled by the 76th Precinct of the New York City Police Department. Politically, Red Hook is represented by the New York City Council's 38th District.

Notable people with ties to Red Hook, Brooklyn, from Wikipedia:

  • Carmelo Anthony (born 1984), former NBA player
  • Jaimie Branch (1983-2022), jazz trumpeter
  • Al Capone (1899-1947), gangster
  • Joe Gallo (1929-1972), who was commemorated in Bob Dylan's song "Joey" from the album Desire
  • Albert Gallo, mobster and brother of Joe Gallo
  • Stephen Kunken (born c. 1971), actor
  • Michael Lerner (1941-2023), actor
  • James McBride, writer
  • Norman Mailer, novelist
  • Sarah Rapelje, for whose family Brooklyn's Rapelye Street is named
  • Hell Razah, rapper, member of hip-hop group Sunz of Man
  • Matty Rich, director of movies Straight Out of Brooklyn and The Inkwell
  • Shabazz the Disciple, rapper, member of hip-hop group Sunz of Man
  • Michael Shannon (born 1974), actor
  • Peter Steele (1962-2010), member of Type O Negative
  • Taz (born 1967 as Peter Senerchia), former professional wrestler and color commentator
  • Eli Wallach (1915-2014), actor
  • Michelle Williams (born 1980), actress
  • Dustin Yellin (born 1975), artist
