Retired Soldiers who settled at the Cape 1818 - 1826
The following is a list of men whose names are listed in WO 23/147 at The National Archives, Kew. These were men who retired to pension (as opposed to dead or dishonourably discharged), who chose to stay at the Cape, from 1818 to 1826. Transcribed by Charles Fison and available in table form on the eGGSA webpages.
Note from Charles Fison
"This is a selection of the information available on the original page. Also included may be: date of admission, physical description, length and type of service, rate of pension, (rarely) date of death and, sometimes, further notes. These are only men who stayed in SA, others remained in, for instance, Sierra Leone, Canada, India and Corfu. You may have to try some odd spellings: look at where Lewis Oliver was born".
Source: National Archives, Kew, UK - WO 23/147, transcribed by Charles Fison
The object of reproducing the list here is to see if these people can be located on Geni and perhaps develop trees from them.
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The Information following each name is in the order of Regiment; Age; birthplace; date of Examination
- John Abell; Cape Garrison; 44; Bastort, Germany; 13.11.1818
- William Abernethy; 49th Foot; 42; St. Peter
s, Cork; 22.10.1823
- Thomas Allen; Cape Cav.; 38; Baltinglass. Wicklow; 24.08.1820
- Thomas Barker; 21st Dragoons; 37; Much Wenlock, Salop.; 29.07.1819
- John Bedmore; 25th Dragoons; 41; St. Margaret
s, Norfolk; 17.03.1819
- Christian Behl; Cape Cav.; 52; Ansbach, Germany; 12.09.1821
Possibly Christian Friedrich Behl who married Catharina Josina Brand in Cape Town on 17 May 1827
- Andrew Bell; 72nd Foot; 41; Kinnoul, Perth; 01.05.1822
- Thomas Bestt; Cape Inf.; 45; Benton, N
Land.; 23.05.1821
- Robert Bird; 30th Foot; 55; Ipswich, Suffolk; 17.03.1819
- John Blackey; 25th Dragoons; 34; Bainton, Lanark; 17.03.1819
- Richard Blackshaw; Cape Garrison; 51; Manchester; 13.11.1818
- William Boland; Cape Cav.; 35; Cootehill, Roscommon; 12.09.1821
- Joseph Bourne; 38th Foot; 29; Burslem, Staffs.; 03.03.1824
- Thomas Bowles; Cape Cav.; 41; Wilton, Wilts.; 12.10.1825
- John Bremner; 72nd Foot; 44; Forres, Murray; 07.02.1822
- Samuel Brimmer; 83rd Foot; 54; Sonning, Berks.; 17.03.1819
- George Britton; 21st Dragoons; 35; Bristol; 12.09.1818
- Patrick Brogan; 83rd Foot; 47; Castlebar, Mayo; 04.08.1824
- James Brown; 72nd Foot; 47; Shoreditch, Middx.; 01.05.1822
- Fraser Brown; 72nd Foot; 35; Ballymoney, Antrim; 01.05.1822
- James Buchannan; 72nd Foot; 43; Kilmadock, Perth; 01.05.1822
- Benjamin Burford; Cape Garrison; 54; Henley, Worcs.; 13.11.1818
- John Burges; 83rd Foot; 43; Shervill, Hants.; 17.03.1819
- Richard Burrard; 83rd Foot; 41; Allingham, Norfolk; 12.08.1818
- James Cahill; 54th Foot; 44; St. Kerns, King
s Co.; 07.02.1821
- Thomas Cannon; Cape Inf.; 57; St. Swithin
s, Lincoln; 23.05.1821
- George Chadwick; 83rd Foot; 39; Eccles,Lancs.; 13.11.1818
- John Chilvers; Cape Garrison; 35; Filton, Suffolk; 13.11.1818
- Thomas Cook; 72nd Foot; 42; Hackett Town, Carlow; 20.03.1820
- William Cooper; 83rd Foot; 40; Leominster, Hereford; 07.02.1821
- Thomas Cumming; R. Africa Corps; 41; Stepney, Middx.; 22.10.1823
- Thomas Currie; 83rd Foot; 45; Manchester; 17.03.1819
- James Danves; 72nd Foot; 43; St. Peter
s, Bristol; 07.02.1822
- Christopher Dates; 56th Foot; 43; Boroditch, York; 17.03.1819
- William Day; Cape Cav.; 40; Ringwood, Hants.; 03.03.1824
- David Dease; Cape Garrison; 34; Dunsegin, Fife; 29.07.1819
- James Dennis; 72nd Foot; 38; Shankhill, Armagh; 01.05.1822
- Robert Dennis; 72nd Foot; 38; Longside, Aberdeen; 01.05.1822
- James Diddleston; 72nd Foot; 40; Edinburgh; 24.08.1820
- Alexander Dingwall; 72nd Foot; 40; Boham, Banff; 07.02.1822
- John Donnelly; 83rd Foot; 37; Linartry, Armagh; 13.11.1818
- Bartholemew Donohue; 54th Foot; 36; Kilcommon, Galway; 31.07.1822
- James Doolan; 54th Foot; 41; Glentworth, Cork; 07.02.1822
- Anthony Doyle; 69th Foot; 46; Wexford; 24.08.1820
- James Duff; 72nd Foot; 41; Lufgy, Forfar; 01.05.1822
- Edward Dukes; Cape Garrison; 52; Clay St. Margaret, Salop.; 13.11.1818
- Thomas Dutton; 30th Foot; 44; Chester; 24.08.1820
- Matthew Enwright; 54th Foot; 43; Ballylongford, Kerry; 20.03.1820
- George Evans; 56th Foot; 46; Shrewsbury, Salop.; 17.03.1819
- John Farrell; 83rd Foot; 41; Stapleton. King
s Co.; 12.08.1818
- John Fenwick; 72nd Foot; 33; Falfield, Ayr; 01.05.1822
- James Ferguson; 72nd Foot; 49; Westkirk, Edinburgh; 07.02.1822
- Thomas Ferguson; 72nd Foot; 56; Gleniola, Perth; 07.02.1822
- Robert Ferne; Cape Garrison; 34; Southwell, Notts.; 13.11.1818
- John Fison; 72nd Foot; 46; Ipswich, Suffolk; 07.02.1822
- David Fitchet; 72nd Foot; 39; Forfar, Angus; 20.12.1823
- Philip Fitzpatrick; 1 Foot; 40; Drumboo, Cavan; 17.03.1819
- William Flint; 30th Foot; 38; Ware, Herts.; 17.03.1819
- John Foley; 72nd Foot; 30; Ardagh, Longford; 01.05.1822
- George Foxcroft; 72nd Foot; 47; Falkirk, Stirling; 07.02.1822
- Hugh Fraser; Cape Inf.; 41; Baleskine, Inverness; 12.08.1818
- William Fraser; Cape Inf.; 41; Baleskine, Inverness; 12.08.1818
- James Fraser; 19th Foot; 47; Paisley, Renfrew; 17.03.1819
- John Gallagher; 49th Foot; 44; Clogher, Tyrone; 24.08.1825
- George Garratt; R. Africa Corps; 43; Warminster, Wilts.; 19.06.1822
- Patrick Garvey; Cape Inf.; 43; Oran, Roscommon; 23.05.1821
- John Gazey; 38th Foot; 46; Warwick; 12.05.1824
- William George; 19th Foot; 32; Bushea, Hereford; 17.03.1819
- Patrick Giblon; 72nd Foot; 43; St. John, West Meath; 01.05.1822
- Thomas Gill; Cape Cav.; 39; Guisley,Yorks.; 07.02.1822
- Arthur Gilstain; 49th Foot; 40; Londonderry; 30.08.1826
- John Ginn; 83rd Foot; 47; Brangling, Herts.; 12.08.1818
- Richard Goodman; 38th Foot; 54; Shannon, Cork; 31.07.1822
- Luke Goodwin; 72nd Foot; 43; Barnet, Middx.; 01.05.1822
- John Grant; 72nd Foot; 46; Duthill, Murray; 19.06.1822
- Daniel Green; 25th Dragoons; 39; Nantwich, Chester; 17.03.1819
- John Green; 83rd Foot; 43; Newmarket, Cambs.; 07.02.1821
- Francis Greensmith; Cape Garrison; 45; Ashbourn, Derbys.; 13.11.1818
- William Grennier; Cape Garrison; 45; Brighton, Sussex; 13.11.1818
- William Griffin; 25th Dragoons; 42; St. Andrew
s, Worcester; 17.03.1819
- William Groves; 38th Foot; 41; Baltinglass. Wicklow; 12.05.1824
- John Gunn; 72nd Foot; 44; Kildonan, Sutherland; 07.02.1821
- Donald Gunn; Cape Inf.; 43; Kildonan, Sutherland; 19.06.1822
- James Hamilton; 72nd Foot; 42; Lanark; 07.02.1822
- John Harris; Cape Garrison; 49; Tenbury, Worcs.; 13.11.1818
- William Hay; 72nd Foot; 40; Aughterless, Aberdeen; 01.05.1822
- John Hayes; Cape Garrison; 46; Ezlas; 13.11.1818
- Luke Henegan; Cape Garrison; 42; St. Anne
s, Dublin; 13.11.1818
- John H. Hester; Cape Garrison; 29; Zell, Hanover; 13.11.1818
- Joshua Hills; Cape Inf.; 40; Stanford, Essex; 12.08.1818
- John Hilton; 72nd Foot; 42; Forfar, Angus; 01.05.1822
- Daniel Hogan; 8 Dragoons; 26; Finlow, Clare; 12.09.1818
- Andrew Hosie; 72nd Foot; 42; St. Ninian
s, Stirling; 07.02.1821
- Francis Howson; 25th Dragoons; 40; Kettlewell, York; 17.03.1819
- Henry Hughes; 72nd Foot; 35; Killaw, Longford; 01.05.1822
- James Hughes; 72nd Foot; 39; Aglish, Tyrone; 01.05.1822
- Peter Hunter; 72nd Foot; 44; Dunfermline. Fife; 12.09.1821
- William Hunter; 72nd Foot; 34; St. Virgin
s, Angus; 01.05.1822
- Thomas Husband; 56th Foot; 39; St. Leonard, Shrewsbury; 17.03.1819
- John Ingram; 72nd Foot; 42; Lochiel, Aberdeen; 01.05.1822
- Andrew Irven; 72nd Foot; 43; Dungannon, Tyrone; 01.05.1822
- John Johnson; Cape Cav.; 43; Glasgow; 09.05.1823
- John Kay; 98th Foot; 41; Bolton, Lancs.; 11.10.1826
- Bryan Kelly; 83rd Foot; 46; Gillan, King
s Co.; 12.08.1818
- Zachariah Kenyon; 6 Foot; 38; Daventry, N
hants.; 12.10.1825
- Joshua Kenzie; 56th Foot; 41; Ware, Herts.; 17.03.1819
- Robert King; 56th Foot; 44; Stepney, Middx.; 17.03.1819
- Alexander Kirkwood; 72nd Foot; 39; Barony, Lanark; 01.05.1822
- William Knight; Cape Garrison; 55; Stratford on Avon, Warks.; 13.11.1818
- Richard Lambert; 8 Dragoons; 45; Callan, Kilkenny; 12.09.1818
- John Layton; 83rd Foot; 43; Bilston, Staffs.; 13.11.1818
- John Leader; 60th Foot; 44; Islington, Middx.; 29.07.1819
- James Lees; 72nd Foot; 39; Aughnacloy, Derry; 01.05.1822
- Henry Lennon; 83rd Foot; 43; Wycome, Berks.; 13.11.1818
- Joshua Lilly; Cape Garrison; 55; Kitton, Northumberland; 13.11.1818
- Robert Lindsay; 72nd Foot; 45; Gorbals, Lanark; 01.05.1822
- Thomas Littler; 83rd Foot; 53; Manchester; 13.11.1818
- Samuel Long; Cape Cav.; 40; Marylebone; 07.02.1821
- John Lordon; Cape Inf.; 45; Cork; 23.05.1821
- William Loveday; Cape Inf.; 47; Henley,Oxon.; 23.05.1821
- William Lucas; Cape Cav.; 44; Churchover, Warwick; 22.09.1824
- Alexander Macdonald; Cape Inf.; 40; Dingwall, Ross; 23.05.1821
- George Mackay; 72nd Foot; 49; Durness, Sutherland; 07.02.1822
- Francis Maclean ; 38th Foot; 45; Kildunton, Argyll; 22.10.1823
- Duncan Macpherson; 72nd Foot; 43; Karencarech, Argyll; 01.05.1822
- John; Mann 72nd Foot; 44; Carrington, Bedford; 12.09.1821
- William Mansfield; 72nd Foot; 37; Shaftesbury, Dorset; 07.02.1822
- James Markey; 22nd Foot; 41; Ballycary, Louth; 17.03.1819
- John Markosky; Cape Garrison; 29; Cassel, Russia; 13.11.1818
- William Marks; 72nd Foot; 39; Magherafeldt, Derry; 01.05.1822
- William Matthews; Cape Cav.; 42; Salisbury, Wilts.; 07.02.1821
- Florence McCarthy; 49th Foot; 43; Bandon, Cork; 24.11.1824
- Malcolm McIntyre; 72nd Foot; 41; Callender, Perth; 07.02.1822
- John McKenzie; 72nd Foot; 34; Urquhart, Ross; 20.03.1820
- Alexander McKinnon; 25th Dragoons; 33; Perth; 17.03.1819
- John McLaren; 72nd Foot; 39; Kenmuir, Perth; 01.05.1822
- John McNeil; 72nd Foot; 44; Paisley, Renfrew; 07.02.1822
- John McVeigh; R. Africa Corps; 45; Lifford, Donegal; 19.06.1822
- Jacob Mead; Cape Garrison; 40; Braintree, Essex; 13.11.1818
- James Mirk; 72nd Foot; 41; Falkirk, Stirling; 01.05.1822
- George Moorhead; 25th Dragoons; 42; Basony, Lanark; 17.03.1819
- Robert Moran; 72nd Foot; 37; Magherafeldt, Derry; 01.05.1822
- Richard Mott; 72nd Foot; 41; Shillingford, Oxon.; 20.03.1820
- Thomas Murphy; 25th Dragoons; 50; Eyrecourt, Galway; 17.03.1819
- William Neat; 21st Dragoons; 37; Westbury, Gloucs.; 29.07.1819
- Bernard Niblick; 56th Foot; 46; Holland; 17.03.1819
- John Norton; 54th Foot; 36; Kilbride, Meath; 31.07.1822
- David O
Brien; Cape Cav.; 32; Dublin; 24.08.1820
- Edward O
Donnell; Cape Garrison; 42; Grange, Limerick; 13.11.1818
- Lewis Oliver; 25th Dragoons; 38; Sentrope, Provence; 17.03.1819
- Bernard Osten; Cape Garrison; 40; Ostrich, Brabant; 13.11.1818
- Alexander Owens; 72nd Foot; 41; Peebles; 07.02.1822
- Thomas Paget; 38th Foot; 38; Birmingham; 07.02.1822
- Thomas Parr; 83rd Foot; 44; Tinsley, Lancs.; 13.11.1818
- Robert Pigg; 72nd Foot; 43; St. Martins, Norfolk; 07.02.1822
- Arthur Plunkett; 72nd Foot; 41; Barslick, Roscommon; 07.02.1822
- Charles; Point; 69th Foot; 47; Dunkirk, Flanders; 17.03.1819
- John Preston; Cape Garrison; 45; Edmonston, York; 13.11.1818
- Robert Price; Cape Cav.; 52; Shrewsbury, Salop.; 12.09.1821
- James Prosser; 19th Foot; 53; Builth, Brecon; 17.03.1819
- Thomas Pugh; Cape Garrison; 47; St. John
s, Worcester; 13.11.1818
- Daniel Ramm; Cape Garrison; 40; Ramsden, Essex; 13.11.1818
- John Robertson; 72nd Foot; 42; Errol, Perth; 07.02.1822
- Donald Robertson; 72nd Foot; 39; Tobago; 20.03.1820
- Andrew Ross; 72nd Foot; 44; Tain, Ross; 01.05.1822
- Clement Russell; 72nd Foot; 39; Clackmannan; 20.03.1820
- James Ryan; 19th Foot; 43; Clonmell, Tipperary; 17.03.1819
- John Rye; 56th Foot; 40; Grasenell, Norfolk; 17.03.1819
- John Samuel; Cape Garrison; 46; Magdeburg, Germany; 13.11.1818
- Ignatius Schalek; 60th Foot; 49; Hilsketz, Poland; 29.07.1819
- James Schofield; Cape Garrison; 48; Stockport, Chester; 13.11.1818
- John Schwalder; 60th Foot; 57; Rawielder, Alsace; 12.08.1818
- John Sellars; 19th Foot; 41; Manton, York; 17.03.1819
- Timothy Shelly; 49th Foot; 43; Rathdowney, Queen
s Co.; 17.05.1826
- George Sibbald; R. Africa Corps; 51; Westchurch, Midlothian; 19.06.1822
- James Simpson; 25th Dragoons; 31; Raffan, Banff; 17.03.1819
- Alexander Smith; 72nd Foot; 41; New Machar, Aberdeen; 07.02.1822
- William Smith; Cape Garrison; 33; Powerscourt, Wicklow; 13.11.1818
- John Smith; 72nd Foot; 43; Cromdale, Inverness; 01.05.1822
- William Sutherwood; 56th Foot; 40; Stroud, Kent; 17.03.1819
- William Taylor; 72nd Foot; 49; Roscobie, Forfar; 20.03.1820
- Samuel Thomas; Cape Cav.; 42; St. Vincent, W.I.; 23.05.1821
- Thomas Thompson; 72nd Foot; 42; Ballkerry, Derry; 07.02.1822
- William Thorp; 83rd Foot; 39; Burton on Trent, Staffs.; 22.10.1823
- John; Till Cape Garrison; 49; Romsey, Hants.; 29.07.1819
- Herman Tillman; 69th Foot; 36; Leek; 17.03.1819
- Robert Torr; Cape Inf.; 37; Sheffield, Yorks.; 23.05.1821
- Patrick Tracey; 25th Dragoons; 40; St. Mary, Wexford; 17.03.1819
- William Trowbridge; 83rd Foot; 43; Tollard, Wilts.; 13.11.1818
- James Ward; Cape Inf.; 61; Killigan, Wicklow; 12.08.1818
- John Watt; 72nd Foot; 44; Barrie, Mearns; 07.02.1822
- Thomas Welsh; 72nd Foot; 41; Tinbury, Worcs.; 20.03.1820
- John Westerman; Cape Garrison; 43; Rotterdam; 13.11.1818
- Peter White; 54th Foot; 51; Dysart, Roscommon; 12.09.1821
- John Winkworth; Cape Garrison; 50; Chippenham, Wilts.; 13.11.1818
- Thomas Woods; 56th Foot; 49; Marpole, Chester; 17.03.1819
- George Wright; 83rd Foot; 46; Dillon, Staffs.; 12.08.1818
- Thomas Wright; 83rd Foot; 41; Sutton Coldfield, Warks.; 13.11.1818
See also
Pre - 1820 British Settlers in South Africa