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Ringtheater Fire 1881 Vienna

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  • Ladislaus (László) von Vetsera (1865 - 1881)
    RingtheaterbrandopferWiener Salonblatt 1881
  • Leopold Lang (1865 - 1881)
    Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Feb 16 2018, 15:46:52 UTC Birth record
  • Hermine Nachod (1857 - 1881)
  • Heinrich Nachod (1847 - 1881)
    »Meinen Freunden und Bekannten theile ich die traurige Nachricht mit, dass leider mein Freund, Schwager und Compagnon, Herr Heinrich Nachod, im Ringtheater sein Leben einbüßte. Das Geschäft wird unverä...

The Ringtheater fire occurred on 8 December 1881, in the popular Viennese Ringtheater, named after the road it was located at, the Schottenring. Before the fire, the privately run theater, with a capacity of about 1700 visitors, suffered from financial problems. Officially, 384 people perished in the fire, though there are higher estimates. For example, the Prussian-born author and encyclopedian Ludwig Julius Eisenberg (1858–1910) claims that up to one thousand could have been killed.