To build a list of descendants for research purposes.
By using the green push-pin after choosing any of the Schwenkfelder immigrants below you may discover another person's relationship to the sect.
In such manner users will be able to find their relationships to these immigrant families.
~• Many users will notice that if you are directly related to one Schwenkfelder, you are probably directly related to most of the immigrants.
Immigrant Family Surnames in alphabetical order
immigrant profiles listed underneath each name Woman: Maiden names used
Anders Baltzer Reinwald Anders
Beyer Beyer, Andrew; Abraham Beyer, Sr.
Dresher Hans Christopher Dresher
Hartranft Tobias Hartranft ; Abraham Yeakel Hartranft
Heebner/Hübner George Heebner David Heebner
note: surname has many spellings including Heavner
Heydrick Anna Krauss & Melchior Heydrick
Jacobi (please add profiles)
Krauss Balthasar Krauss ; Melchior Krauss
Kribel/Kriebel Melchior Kribel
Reinwald Ann Reinwald
Rieff John "Hans" G. Reiff
Schubert David Schubert
Schultz see page 187 David Schultz Journal ; Melchior Schulz of Worcester Twp.
Teichman Maria Schubert
Wiegner Hans Wiegner
Wuester Anna Maria Wagner
Yeakel Barbara Yeakel & Rosina Beyer & Anna Maria Mary Yeakel ~• many variations beginning with the letter J
Famous Individuals of Schwenkfelder Exile Heritage
- wikipedia for Brevet Maj. General John F. Hartranft (USA), Governor of Pennsylvania
- Rachel Conrad Nason Distinguished Honor Award from the US State Dept. • George Hübner is Rachel Conrad Nason (Jones)'s 6th great grandfather.
- Hon. Johann Jacob Reiff, Jr. Pa Assemblyman who voted for ratification of the US Constitution
- US Supreme Court Justice Owen J. Roberts • George Hübner is Owen J. Roberts, US Supreme Ct.'s fifth great grandfather.
- Richard Schweiker, U.S. Senator, Secretary of Health and Human Services
~• 'Many of them have ably filled positions of trust and responsibility. Some have been elected to represent their districts in the halls of Congress, some in the Senate and House of Representatives at Harrisburg, others have risen to prominence at the bar of justice, including the Supreme bench ; many have become scholars of note, having attained proficiency in the arts and sciences. Some have risen to eminence in the science of medicine, and one to the highest gifts within the power of the people to bestow, namely that of Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, was conferred upon the late John F. Hartranft:, a brave and tried soldier, who fought his way from comparative obscurity to that of a general.' •~ written by Asher Anders (see resource below)
~• Once in PA Province, Schwenkfelders often returned to the Lutheran faith. The Schwenkfelders had split form the Lutheran faith back in Europe and came to the American continent to escape persecution. {MMvB, vol. curtator} an example
- Schwenkfelder Library & Historical Society, PA: http://www.schwenkfelder.com/
- Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwenkfelder_Library_%26_Heritage_Ce...
- Society of the Descendants
- Immigrant Ship Lists
- Asher Anders paper
- Schwenkfelder cemetery records
- https://ia803007.us.archive.org/26/items/pennsylvaniagerm03penn_2/p... = Pennsylvania-German Society : 1929-31 Ship manifests of Philadelphia Vol. 1 of 3 > ships No. 14-50 inclusive would include the 1731-1737 time frame mentioned by the Schwenkfelder Exiles
- memorial page
Schwenkfelder Society Surname list
(quoting from resources above) JOIN THE SCHWENKFELDER FAMILY TREE
If you can trace your family back to an Anders, Beyer (Byer / Beer / Beier), Dietrich, Dresher (Drescher), Groh, Hartranft (Herterranft), Heebner (Hübner/Heavener/Hevener), Heydrick, Hoffman, Hoffrichter, John, Krauss (Krause), Kriebel (Krieble / Kribel), Mentzel, Meschter (Meishter / Meisther / Master), Muehmer, Neuman, Reynald, Rinewalt (Reinewald / Reinwald / Reinwalt), Scheps, Schultz (Scholtz / Scholtze), Schubert (Shubert / Shoebart), Seipt (Seibt), Teichman, Wagner (Wagener), Warmer, Weigner / Wiegner, Weiss, Yeakel (Yeakle / Jäckel / Jäkel), then perhaps you are a Schwenkfelder descendant and we are looking for you!
~• In other words: go to: http://www.schwenkfelder.com/ first.... and secondly, here, to build wider connections in the Geni World Family Tree.
- "By April 1778, the Test-Act made it virtually impossible for pacifists such as Quakers, Mennonites, and Schwenkfelders, as well as other political dissenters, to survive without paying heavy fines, enduring imprisonment, and even losing their properties and being banished from the state: refusal to take the oath could ultimately result, among other penalties, in an individual's "forfeiting his personal property to the commonwealth and his realty to the person
entitled to inherit"; banishment from the state inevitably followed. from The Bermudian Creek Tories page 8-9
1) It will take some time to transcribe and cross-reference all Immigrant Schwenkfelders here. I am looking for volunteers to assist... Please message me, Mike van Beuren , with ideas for this project. I am sending out Collaborators invitations somewhat at random. Are you interested in joining?
2) If you don't want to join, please help by suggesting famous or otherwise notable individuals of Schwenkfelder Exile Heritage by message.