World Organization of the SCOUT Movement
- more in other languages? feel free to add and expand for other continents, countries, etcetera, for I'm interested in the European branches and more focused on dutch ancestors who got brave kids because they went to the PADVINDERIJ each week
Scouts in EURO~PALmIA
The administration of this world-wide organisation is in Switzerland-Geneva
- EN: Mission of the European SCOUT Foundation • providing financial support for development of Scouting in Europe, with main emphasis on projects of National Scout Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe • developing the Friends of Scouting in Europe as a means of raising money to support Scout projects ‧ the Friends of Scouting --Ambassadors-- also help Scouting grow through their personal contacts and expertise • increasing endowment capital in order to provide financial support for other activities of the European Scout Region: seminars ‧ events ‧ publications ‧ operational support ‧
- NL: Doelstelling Europese tak van de PADVINDERIJ • • • • translations later...
- meaningof AKELA : wij DOPEN ons BEST, want beter bestaat niet boven GOOD.
AND MAYBE IN other era oalso surnina, antisle boven-windigs en benederschijters...
- FR:
- DE:
- etc.:
[ Ake la
[ PAthVounDERS]
Padvinderij in Nederland… Akela, we doen ons'Best !.. maar meestal blijkt goed goed genoeg.
Projects also in
- Estonia
- Montenegro
- Fyrom
- Romania
- Hungary
- Czech rep.
- Albania ?
Notables in the Scouting World
- lord Baden POWELL - FB-info - SEE:
- Olave St.CLAIR SOAMES ‧ e.v. Baden-Powell ‧ UK-Derbyshire- Chesterfield 22-feb 1889-1977 jun-25 Guildford-Surrey-UK ‧ buried: Kenya-where? when? ‧ continued the Girl Guides/Girl Scouts movement ‧