This project is for students and teachers at Shalhevet High School in Los Angeles. Please join the project and start a discussion to get help with your genealogy. If your tree is part of the World Family Tree on Geni, you may use the relationship finder to discover your connection to other people.
Important Websites
- [http://www.jewishgen.org]
- [http://www.familysearch.org]
- [http://www.yadvashem.org]
- [http://www.ellisisland.org]
- [http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/EIDB/ellisgold.html]
- [http://www.geshergalicia.org]
- [http://www.jri-poland.org]
- [http://www.sephardicgen.com/]
- [http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/Cemetery/]
- [http://www.findagrave.com/]
- [https://billiongraves.com/]
- [http://www.ancestry.com]
- [http://www.myheritage.com]
- [http://www.familytreedna.com]
- [http://www.23andme.com]
- [http://genteam.at/]
- [http://genealogyindexer.org/]
- [https://bloodandfrogs.com/encyclopedia]
- [http://vhaonline.usc.edu/search]
- [https://www.geni.com/projects/Jewish-Genealogy-Portal-A-Guide-to-Jewish-Projects-and-Resources-on-Geni/13121]
- [https://www.facebook.com/groups/JewishGenealogyPortal/]
- Rabbi Ari Segal
- Noam Weissman
- Daniel Weslow
- Jason Feld
- Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg
- Robyn Lewis
- Lili Einalhori
- Michelle Baxter
- Rachel Hecht
- Raizie Weissman
- Daniel Schwartz
- Roen Salem
- Joelle Keene
- Emily Chase
- Michele Crincoli
- Na'amit Nagel
- William Reusch
- Tova Sunshine
- Mickey Rabinov
- Shlomit Abrams
- Michal Davis
- Flora Rubin
- Derek Gormin
- Noah Jacobson
- Atara Segal
- Rabbi David Stein
- Jason Weiner
- Ilana Wilner
- Katarina Malikov
- Tamara Gidanian
- Ellen Greenman
- Suzanne Halloran
- Jennifer Kong
- Raelyn Bieda
- Josh Sharfman
- Natalie Weiss
- Stacey Enoch
College Guidance
- Aviva Walls
- Lisa Gruenbaum
Education Support
- Ashley Evans
- Debra Berman
- Rachel Gereboff
Information Technology
- Yossie Frankel
- Robert Meszaros Grunfeld
- Jose Flores
- Ruben Merino
- Norma Ayon
- Diego Augustin Sanchez
- Javier Rodriguez
- Walter Morales