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South African Stamouers/Progenitors - VOC officials

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  • Joachim Petrus Prinsloo (1864 - 1934)
    ===Prisoners of War ABW == Added by AR Swanepoel Database ID: 22228 POW Number: 23148 Surname: Prinsloo Name: JOACHIM PETRUS Age: 37 Address: RIETFONTEIN District: PRETORIA Where Captured: PALMIETKUIL...
  • Henning Joachim Prehn, SV/PROG (1699 - 1771)
    PREHN HENNING JOACHIM. - Hamburg. * 10.12.1699, son of the merchant Hinrich P. (W. Schmidt, p. 97). Arr. 1722 as adelborst in the Lakeman, which was wrecked at the Cape, assistant 1723-31, b. 1731. ~ (...
  • Johann Hinrichs de Lange, SV/PROG (1720 - 1792)
    [ VOC employment 1747] Death registration 27 April 1792 Stellenbosch LANGE JOHANN HEINRICH. “Oltrop” (i.e. Holtrup, Holtrop or Oldentrup ?). Arr. 1748 as sa., farmhand 1748-71, in 1771 loaned as fa...
  • Louis van Assemburg (c.1680 - 1712)
    Source: Family Search Dutch Reform Church Registers. Cape Town, South Africa. The entry Govorner Louis Assemburg: As a Witness for Willem Helot and Christina De Beer child that getting baptize. books.g...
  • By Donovan Paul Penaluna
    Willem Helot, SV/PROG (c.1600 - d.)
    Inventory 12 September 1710 Willem Helot Born Amsterdam, Netherlands 27.10.1675 Bapt. Westerkerk, Amsterdam 27.10.1675 Arrived at the Cape c. 1694 aboard the Nederland Assistant to Simon ...

VOC officials who came to the Cape of Good hope.

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  • VOC Commanders and Governors of the Cape of Good Hope During the 143 years of Dutch government at the Cape the term of office of the official who headed the government of the colony was sometimes very brief, while others remained in power for a long period.
  1. Commanders

Source: Resolutions of the Concil of the Cape of Good Hope- by Dr. Helena Liebenberg (CD Book)

English Occupation 1795-1802

Ebook History of South Africa under the Administration of the Dutch East India Company (1652-1795)

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