Saint Peter’s Pikeland United Church of Christ, which originated as a German Reformed Congregation, is located part way down Pikeland Hill on Clover Mill Road in Chester Springs, Chester County, Pennsylvania. The church is known locally as the “Lower Pikeland Church” or simply the “Lower Church”.
Saint Peter’s Pikeland United Church of Christ (UCC) owns the cemetery located between Saint Peter's UCC Church building and Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church building.
Prior to 1889, this cemetery was a union cemetery, used by both Saint Peter’s Lutheran and Saint Peter’s Reformed Congregations. But in 1889, the Lutherans sold their interest in the union cemetery to their Reformed neighbors. In 1957, Saint Peter’s Reformed Church changed its name to Saint Peter’s Pikeland United Church of Christ. Since 1889, this cemetery property, located between the existing Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church and Saint Peter’s Pikeland UCC has been owned and maintained by Saint Peter’s UCC. Since 1889, St. Peter’s UCC Church has also acquired additional cemetery property from various neighboring landowners.
Burials in Saint Peter’s Pikeland UCC Cemetery include people who were affiliated with Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church, Saint Peter’s Reformed Church, and Saint Peter’s Pikeland United Church of Christ.
Also known as Lower Pikeland Cemetery, Saint Peter's German Reformed Cemetery, Saint Peter's Lower Hill Cemetery, Saint Peter's Reformed Cemetery and Saint Peter's United Church of Christ Cemetery.