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Stewart County, Tennessee

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  • Andrew Jackson Higgins (1818 - 1892)
  • Benjamin Ezra Downs (1760 - 1820)
    Residence : Sullivan County, TN - 1796* Residence : Sullivan County, TN - 1797** Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 19 2021, 16:49:45 UTC
  • Blanche Eleanor Downs (1775 - 1820)
    Residence : Stewart County, TN - 1810* Residence : Stewart, Tennessee, United States - 1820** Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Sep 19 2021, 16:49:45 UTC

Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Stewart County, Tennessee.

Official Website

Stewart County was created by European Americans in 1803, and was named for Duncan Stewart, an early settler and state legislator. The first County Court met in March 1804. According to Goodspeed's history of Stewart County, "Stewart County was settled principally by North Carolinians, the first of whom came some time about 1795, that State having issued military grants to survivors of the Continental war, which called for large tracts of land lying in this county". It was settled during the early migration of pioneers from Virginia to the west after the American Revolutionary War. They pushed Native American peoples, such as the Cherokee, out of the area. (Please supply sources proving that the early pioneers were from Virginia.)

During the American Civil War, the Battle of Fort Donelson took place in February 1862. Union forces took control of the state, occupying several strategic areas. In August 1862 their forces partially burned the county seat, Dover, to prevent its re-capture by Confederate Lt. Col. Thomas G. Woodward. A second battle in the area, commonly called the Battle of Dover, took place in February 1863.

Tobaccoport Saltpeter Cave was intensely mined for saltpeter, possibly during the War of 1812 but more likely not until the Civil War. Saltpeter is the main ingredient of gunpowder and was obtained by leaching the earth from the cave. The Union took control of Tennessee and this area in February 1862, early in the Civil War. It seems unlikely that mining could have happened before that.

Adjacent Counties

Cities, Towns & Communities

  • Bear Spring
  • Big Rock
  • Bumpus Mills
  • Cumberland City
  • Dover (County Seat)
  • Indian Mound
  • Leatherwood
  • Tennessee Ridge (part)


Cemeteries of Tennessee



TN Gen Web

Genealogy Trails

Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge

Fort Donelson National Battlefield

Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area

National Register of Historic Places

Stewart County Archives

Roots Web