I'm looking for any information on my mother's side of the family. Both her mother's and father's side immigrated to America in the early 1900s from St. Miguel, Azores. I have been able to find passenger lists, as well as US census information; But when it comes to family beyond their children, we are in the dark. DNA matches often have family trees put together with the same surnames, but I've yet to find an exact match to a close relative.
This is the extent of names I've gathered from word of mouth and baptismal certificates. Any information or suggestions are encouraged.
Father: Joseph Placido Pacheco: 1920-2002 (Changed to Barbosa upon arrival to US)
Grandfather: Joao P. Barbosa (1886-1962)
Great-Grandfather: Placido P. Barbosa
Grandmother: Mary De Braga Serra (1897-1982)
Mother: Margarida (Margaret) Soares Borges: 1916-1986
Grandfather: Antonio Soares Borges
Great-Grandfather: Luiz Soares Borges
Great-Grandmother: De Maria De Gloria Garcia
Grandmother: Guilhermina "Gertrude" De Medeiros
Great-Grandfather: Manuel Cabral De Medeiros
Great-Grandmother: Francisca De Jesus