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This is a list of all the people who were recorded singing Jewish folk songs between the years 1928 and 1932 in the Ukraine. The recordings were done by Sofia Magid (1892-1954) and Moishe Beregowski (1892-1961).

Singers: Bronshvaig Shmuel (located) Boydman Fayve Fayler Basya (located) Korn Yeshaya (located) Krok Khaim Papernikov Yakov S. Perskaya Keyle (located) Shulkina Fanya und Manya (located) Vinyak Nadyeshda Abramowna ...

Reference: "Unser Rebbe, Unser Stalin...", by Elvira Grozinger & Susi Hudak-Lazic, 2008 , ISBN 978-3-447-05689-2