The Children's Friend Society Ships - Canada
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Child Emigration from Britain - Canada
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The Children's Friend Society - Master Canadian List
[Listed in this order - Apprentice, Master, in what capacity to Master]
- Byfield, William - T. McKay, Esq., M.P. a miller of Bytown as a servant.
- Claridge, Benjamin - T. Burrows a surveyor of Kingston Mills as a house servant.
- Dobbin, Henry - Colonel Covert a farmer of Coburg as a farm servant.
- Dobbin, John - R.P. Boucher, Esq., a farmer of Coburg as a farm servant.
- Douglas, Robert - G.M. Boswell, Esq., a Barrister of Coburg as a House Servant.
- Johnston, William - Mr Gibbons a saddler of Coburg as a farm servant.
- Mercier, Alfred - J.F. Cunynghame, Esq., a farmer of Carellon, Ottawa as a house servant.
- Smith, Jesse - Rev. Thomas B. Fuller of Toronto as a house servant.
- Stacey, William - Captain Boswell as farmer of Coburg as a farm servant.
- Thurlow, William - Major W. Logie of Kingston as a house servant.
- Silverthorn, William - Thomas Scobell, Esq., Deputy Assistant Commissioner General of Kingston as a house servant.
- Wilshire, Henry - G.G. Boswell a merchant of Coburg as a house servant.
- Wilshire, William - Captain McDonald a farmer of Coburg as a farm servant.
Source:- The CFS report for the period 1st May 1836 to 3lst December 1836.
Note:- The above list contains 13 names - however the embarkation return states that 15 children were sent out in the "Active". One of the other children was probably Henry Wright.
Main Reference The Children's Friend Society - Juvenile Emigrants to Western Australia, South Africa and Canada 1834 - 1842 by Geoff Blackburn. This book can be obtained from Access Press, P.O. Box 132, Northbridge, Western Australia.