This project is to add and find the peoples from The Hegira School 1917-18 school picture on Geni and information about the school.
Albert Norris 1905-1987
Alma Nation Crawley 1909-1991
Arco Burns 1910-1994
Bercie McClusky
Bernice Burns
Bessie Thomas
Beulah Nation 1914-2002
Bonnie Wright
Bud Groce
Buford Anderson
Charley Thrasher
Charley Tracy Ferguson
Chester Garner
Clarence Anderson
Corbet Nation 1906-1974
Cordell Groce Dates?
Culbert Watson
Jarvis Delmar Keen 1907-1985
Delton Garner
Dezzie Carter
Dora Garner
Dora Mae Keen Sutton 1909-1987
Edd Groce 1905-1976
Ellie Flowers
Estel Coop
Eula Nation 1912-2009
Finis Hardin
Georgia Flowers
Gladys Flowers
Graden Vincent
Hershel Vincent
Ida Claborn
Inis Reeder
Jack Hardin
Jewell Flowers
James Burris Keen 1910-1997
John Groce Dates?
John Pleas Norris
Less Garner
Lillie Garner
Lucy Wright
Teacher: Lura Reeder
Mack Groce Dates?
Mae Norris
Mae Riddle
Marvin Garner
Maxie Watson
Mayford McClusky
Michael Flowers
Mollie Belle Wright
Myrtle Watson
Nina Riddle
Paul Groce
Paul Vincent
Perry Vincent
Roy Anderson
Roy Groce
Stanley Groce
Stella Norris
Vestal Cumming
Vinnie Anderson
Walter Reeder
Will Groce Dates?
Willard Garner