The Landi tree goes back to the 3rd century, "'Panfirio Landvs' (Landus)" (Roman Senator). Landus, Latin spelling Landvs also Lando, became Landi in the 11th century. There was Bishop Landvs 660, Bishop Landvs 743 Bishop of Cosilinum/ Marcellianum. The Pope Lando (family name Landus, father Taino Landus (913-914).(Ubertino Landi (1048)"first know use of Landi (still refered to as Landus by historians and the Vatican)" also historically referenced by the Vatican as Ubertino Landus" "Emporer Tininus Landvs",1178-1180 was still using Landus in the 12th century. The Landi Family tree of Royal Princes and Lo Stato Landi begin with Ubertino. THe books from the Secret Vatican library have the entire Royal family tree back to Ubertino,"Lo Stato Landi by Cardinal Antonio Simore, Vatican" The State of Landi lasted over 400 years, over 100 castels and towns 700 square miles larger than the Vatican and all other royal families combined. The longest lived state in the history of Italy. The Landi like Frederico in 1599 were the only state allowed by the Holy Roman Empire to mint their own money in Silver and Gold. The coins still exist and occasionally come up for auction. The last Landi Gold coin sold at auction for over $65,000.00 US. Also reference "The Landi DNA Project" casalandi.net website and oters working on the history. The Landi DNA Project is still taking DNA samples through the Casalandi.net website. For Landi family members.
(https://www.facebook.com/Lo-Stato-Landi-778157065633296/timeline/?p...) for the whole story verified.
The Landi were: Princes of The Holy Roman Empire Knights, Order of the Golden Fleece Knights, Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights, Order of Stephen of Pisa Knights, Order of St. Michael's Wing Knights, Order of The Crown of Italy Grandees of Spain, 1st Class The longest "Seignory" in the history of Italy Rulers of their own independent Principality Over 1500 years of Nobility and other Royal and notable LANDI's (140) Count Augustino Landi l 1543 Count Nicolo Landi 1606-1669 Count Gennaro Landi 1750 Count Oroardo-Fellice Giantonio Landi 1663 Count Giuseppe- Antonio Landi 1663 Count Cesar Landi 1782 Count Dominico da Castello di S. Maria di Stiappa Soprannominato il Casciarino Landi 1688-1775 Count Alessandro suo nipote Landi 1775 Count Tomio Landi 1778 Count Viduccio Landi 1790 Count Giulio Landi 1790 Count Adriano Landi 1642 Venice Count Francesco Landi 1743 Count Zanardi Landi 1922 Count Marc Antonio Landi Count Costanzo Landi 1521-1564 Piacenza Prince Count Frederico l 1536 Prince Count Frederico ll 1600 Count Guido Landi 1542 Count Charles Zanardi Landi Marquis Beretti Landi 1732 Count Charles Landi Count Alexander Landi 1856 Rivalta Count O. Zanardi Landi Countess Giulia Landi Count Ortenesio Landi Count Nispi Landi 1903 Prince Doria Pamphili Landi 1839 Countess Karolina Franziska M Zanardi Landi 1914 Marquess di Seretti Landi 1718 Marquee Beretti Landi 1802 Marquee Alberto Zanardi Landi 1931 Lord, Count Prince Ubertino l Count Prince Manfredo l Landi Prince Ubertino Landi ll Prince Corrado Landi 1540 Prince Andrea Doria Pamphili Landi Prince Filippo Andrea Doria Landi 1886 Princess Loepolodina Doria Pamphili Landi 1811-43 Prince Ottavio Landi 1545 Count Aldo Landi Prince Claudio Landi Count Stephano Landi 1740 Count Pietra Landi Count Guglielmo Landi Count Ottavio landi Duke of Guise Duke Manfredo Landi Duke of Milan Prince Phillip Andrew Doria Pamphili Landi 1880 Prince Don Frederigo Landi 4th Prince of Holy Roman Empire Prince Conrad Landi Marquee de Beretti-Landi ambassadore of Spain Countess Elissa Landi Count Claudio Landi Companio Count di Iacopo di Bonaiuto Landi Master Dominico Landi Pisa Count Nicolas de Landi Countess Maria Landi Prince Jaun Andrea Doria Landi Saint Nicolas du Landi 1718 Princess Polissena Maria Landi Marquee Benedetti-Landi Count Camillo Landi 1681-1708 Archbishop Antonio Maria Landi 1707 Count Giacomo landi Cardinal Fransesco landi Count Antonio Landi Rivalta 1791 Count Adriano Landi Rivalta 1742 Count Giuseppe Landi Rivalta Count Francesco Landi Rivalta Marquee Gambo 1687-1760 Count Ippilito Landi Rivalta 1738d Count Ubertino Landi V Rivalta Marquee Gambro 1681-1760 Count Ernando Landi Rivalta Count Gian Maria landi Rivalta 1654d Count Amellio Christoforo Landi Rivalta Count Alessandro landi Rivalta Count Muzio Landi Rivalta Count Giasone Landi Rivalta Count Fabrizo Landi Rivalta Count Ascanio Landi Rivalta Count Amador Massiedi Lorenzo Landi 1640 Count Corrado Landi Bishop Antonio Luigi Landi 1804-1814 Marquess Lodovivco Landi lll Chiavenna Marquess Manfredi lV Marquess Giampaolo Landi Marquess Jacobo Landi Marquess Uberto iV Marquess Ludovoco Landi lll 1913-1989 Marquess Luigi Landi d1921 Marquess Ludovoco Landi l 1843-1849 Marquess Alfanso Landi Marquess Ferinando Landi Marquess Giambattista Landi d1808 Marquess Fransesco Landi d1769 Marquess Giovanni Landi Countess Giulia Landi 1563 Mayor Pietro Landi, Mayor Padua/ Duke of Venice 1538 Prince Augustino Landi l 1536-1556 Prince Claudio Landi l 1516-1536 Prince Fredrico Landi l 1488-1516 Ambass. Siena Lorenzo Landi to Pope Sixto 1482 Mayor Luigi Landi Torcello 1464/ Levante 1475/ Brescia 1482 Mayor Vitali Landi Ravenna 1464 Archbishop Cornelio landi 1456 Patriarch Fransesco Landi (Grado) 1408 Constantinople 1409 Count Galvano Landi 1405-1429 Royal Knight Carlo Landi 1400 Venice Count Ambrogio landi 1357 Siena Governor Ubertino Landi l 1250 Siena Mayor James landi l 1211-1236 Padua Cunsul Piacenza Bonizzone Landi 1132 Senori Antolino Landi 1183 Senori Simon Landi 1152 Mayor Ghislerio Landi 1197 Sister Anestasia Landi 1098 Senori Alberico landi 1095 Senori Guillermo Landi 1090 Lord Roldorfo Landi 1036 Doria Landi 941 Pope Lando 912-913 Bishop Landi 870 Count Landone Landi 847 Cardinal Landi Marcinallium 740 Roman Senator Panfirio Landvs 236-281 Rome Doria-Pamphili-Landi, noble family from Genoa, Italy House of Landi, noble family from Piacenza, Italy Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi (1447-1500), Italian artist Stefano Landi (1587-1639), Italian Baroque composer Francesco Landi (1682-1757), cardinal Giuseppe Antonio Landi (1713-1791), Italian architect and painter Antonio Landi (1725-1783), Italian poet, writer and playwright Gaspare Landi (1756–1830), Italian artist Bruno Landi (1900-1968), tenor Elissa Landi (1904-1948), Italian actress Chico Landi (1907-1989), Brazilian race-car driver Marcello Landi (1916-1993), Italian painter and poet Mario Landi (1920-1992), Italian actor Aldo Bufi Landi (1923-), Italian actor Roberto Landi (1956-), Italian footballer Bassiano Landi (Bassianus Landus) Italian Physician and Philosopher d1562 Noble Landi of Florence: Joseph Landi, James Landi, Francis Landi, of Sebastian in 1636, Jacopo Landi, Francesco Landi, and Nickolas'.Landi There are four manuscripts of Dante's Divina Co~zmedia,~ of which the most outstanding was written by a certain Bartholomew Landi de Landis from Prato in Tuscany The Land Were Princes of The Holy Roman Empire Knights, Order of the Golden Fleece Knights, Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights, Order of Stephen of Pisa Knights, Order of St. Michael's Wing Knights, Order of The Crown of Italy Grandees of Spain, 1st Class The longest "Signori"(State) in the history of Italy, 425 year Rulers of their own independent Principality; lo Stato Landi (Principe Landi) Minters of their own gold and silver coinage, the Only State of The Holy Roman Empire First Princes of The Holy Roman Empire First State of The Holy Roman Empire Prince Frederico Landi the only Italian to ever rule Monaco Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Lords, Marquees, Princes, Dukes, Governors’, Mayors, Senators of The Roman Empire. For 1900 Years. With Italian Marquees lasting well into the 21st century Or; if you read Italian history of the present and near past, ("A small state that exsisted for a time in the north of Italy durng the Renasance,") As I show throughout the book, this narrative did not grow itself, it was fed very well by the Vatican, by centuries of Vendettas, in the best sense of the practice, by aristocratic families such as the Farnese who did in fact suffer under the power of The Landi through assasinations, financial set backs.