20th January 2011: Building initiated of a complete list of historical/ public profiles of members of the Sulaimani Jamaat, a smaller sect of the Shi'a community mainly settled in India, Pakistan & Yemen, with members spread across the Western World, Europe & GCC in the past few decades of the 21st century.
February-June 2011: Historic profiles of the Al-Hindi, Banu Al-Anf & Banu Al-Makrami family members have been added.
June-December 2011: Several members have been invited from the prominent families of the Jamaat to contribute and furnish their own trees, which have now been merged with the wider tree.
January-July 2012: A substantial number of historic profiles of most families, especially of the following center's of the Jamaat have been updated with ages, dates of expiry, maiden family information, and location of burial through referencing with Ahya-ul-Salaf (Expiry Registers of the Sulaimani Jamaat); with the center's being:
- Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
- Sidhpur, Gujarat, India
- Baroda, Gujarat, India
- Khambat, Gujarat, India
- Surat, Gujarat, India
- Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
- Satara, Maharashtra, India
- Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India
- Bombay, Maharashtra, India
- Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
- Karachi, Pakistan
- Jazeera-e-Sindh, Pakistan
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Najran, Jazeera-e-Yemen (currently part of KSA)
An approximate guess would be, that it is 75% complete (from 1800 AD onwards atleast).
August 2012: An alternate project, titled as Hudood-e-Kiram has been initiated to compile all historical profiles of religious figures which have assisted in building & spreading the Da'wat in India. Collaborators have been currently set to compose of priests knowledgeable in regards to these profiles. Key Anecdotes, qualitative characteristics of the associated personalities, and furnishing of further information in regards to lineage of these profiles is the main contributions which are currently sought. Purpose; is to aid as a research/ reference tool for all ages and backgrounds alike. More to be added...soon... Contributor: Mahir
Notes-2nd September 2012 A little background on Ahya-us-Salaf, it was first started by 30th Dai' Sayyidna Ali bin Sayyidna Sulaiman Al-Hindi saheb and studiously added at the death of every Sulaimani, right from the time of Aadam till date. (Ahya-us-Salaf: Expiry Registers of the Sulaimani Jamaat):
In fact it can be easily derived by this logic that it was ordained by 30th Dai' Sayyidna Ali bin Sayyidna Sulaiman Al-Hindi saheb to all office bearers of the Sulaimani Jamaat to add all events in Ahya-us-Salaf meaning; "Bringing back the deceased to life". (Expiry Registers of the Sulaimani Jamaat). That the real originator of genealogy is Sayyidna Ali bin Sayyidna Sulaiman saheb.
Mahir sees that the tree is 75% complete, but i would say it is far from complete.
Contributed by Mulla Saadullah Husami -- 2nd September 2012.