I have transcribed to Geni the numbers below and a citation should be in every profile.
Anyone is welcome to check my work for errors or submit a section of completion to help transcribe this vast tree. I do not expect to be able to transcribe the entire work within my lifetime as it takes vast amounts of concentration and a tiny section can take hours.
All profiles are uploaded before Reference number 512514
1 - 512514; Done:
512515 - 51251552 Done;
512517 - 512517x Done;
512519 - 51251912 Done;
51251x6 Done;
51251a - 51251b Done;
52 - 52112 Done;
52115 Done;
521152 Done;
5211522 - 52115225 Done;
521171 - 5211719 Done;
523 Done;
5233 - 5234 Done;
524 - 5241 Done;
52412 Done;
53 - 531 Done;
53114 Done;
5313 - 53131 Done;
5314 -531431 Done;
5317 - 531713 Done;
533 Done;
5332 Done;
533241 - 5332414 Done;
533245 - 5332453 Done;
533247 - 5332475 Done;
54122 - 5413 Done,
5415 - 54164 Done;
547 - 548 Done;
59 Done;
5914 - 59143 Done;