The Theresienstadt family camp (Czech: Terezínský rodinný tábor, German: Theresienstädter Familienlager), also known as the Czech family camp, consisted of a group of Jewish inmates from the Theresienstadt ghetto in what used to be Czechoslovakia, who were held in the BIIb section of the Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration camp from 8 September 1943 to 12 July 1944. Most of the prisoners were Czech Jews, but many were from Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. The reasons why the Germans created the camp have not been sufficiently clarified. (see Fedorovic and Karny below)
Deported from the ghetto in seven transports in September and December 1943, and May 1944, the prisoners were not subjected to selection on arrival, an unusual situation in Auschwitz, and were granted several "privileges", including the creation of a children's block that provided the only attempt at organized education at Auschwitz. The living conditions nevertheless remained poor and the mortality rate was high. Most of the inhabitants who did not die of starvation or disease were murdered during the camp liquidations on 8–9 March and 10–12 July 1944. The first liquidation was the largest massacre of Czechoslovak citizens in history. Of the 17,517 Jews deported to the family camp, only 1,294 survived the war.
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theresienstadt_family_camp Thanks to Scott Jordan for suggesting this project.
The seven transports from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz that were placed into the Family Camp were:
Dl, departed Theresienstadt on 6 Sept 1943
Dm, departed Theresienstadt on 6 Sept 1943
Dr, departed Theresienstadt on 15 Dec 1943
Ds, departed Theresienstadt on 18 Dec 1943
Dz, departed Theresienstadt on 15 May 1944
Ea, departed Theresienstadt on 16 May 1944
Eb, departed Theresienstadt on 18 May 1944
See also: http://auschwitz.org/en/museum/news/theresienstadt-family-camp-temp...
Tomáš Fedorovič, "Propagandistická role Terezína a terezínský rodinný tábor v Auschwitz-Birkenau," Terezinske Listy 2018: https://www.pamatnik-terezin.cz/publikace/terezinske-listy