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  • Hans-Günther Lange (1916 - 2014)
  • Rolf Thomsen (1915 - 2003)
    Rolf Thomsen (6 May 1915 – 26 March 2003) was a U-boat commander in the Kriegsmarine of Nazi Germany during World War II and later served with the Bundesmarine. He received the Knight's Cross of the ...
  • Carl Emmermann (1915 - 1990)
    Carl Emmermann (6 March 1915 – 25 March 1990) was a German U-boat commander during World War II. In his time as commander, submarines under his command sank 27 ships for a total tonnage of 152,080 gr...
  • Robert Gysae (1911 - 1989)
    Robert Karl Friedrich Gysae (14 January 1911 – 26 April 1989) was a German U-boat commander in the Kriegsmarine during World War II. He was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oa...
  • Georg Lassen (1915 - 2012)
    Georg Lassen (12 May 1915 – 18 January 2012) was a German U-boat commander during World War II. He was a Watch Officer on U-29 at the outbreak of the war and later the skipper of the U-160 and recipi...

The U-boat Front Clasp (German: U-Boot-Frontspange) or U-boat Combat Clasp, was a World War II German Kriegsmarine military decoration awarded to holders of the U-boat War Badge to recognize continued combat service and valor.