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Union Cemetery, Easton, Connecticut

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  • Abigail Sherwood (1757 - 1786)
    Daughter of David & Hannah Fanton Merwin First wife of Matthew Sherwood
  • Anna Osborn (1789 - 1793)
    Daughter of Jeremiah & Anna Sherwood Osborn
  • Daniel Sherwood (1761 - 1813)
  • Isaac Bennett (1769 - 1860)
    Bennett in 1786, he married 2nd, Abigail Sherwood the widow of Nathan Bennett. She had a son Isaac by her first marriage.
  • Nathan Bennitt (c.1744 - 1777)
    On hale index no first name is listed (Rev. War. )

This project is for those buried in Union Cemetery, Easton, Fairfield County, Connecticut.

The cemetery dates from the 1600s. Ed and Lorraine Warren, of Amityville Horror fame, declared it to possibly be the most haunted place in the United States and wrote a book about it called, "Graveyard". The "White Lady" of Union Cemetery is said to walk along Route 59 and occasionally Route 111 wearing a long, white dress. Drivers see the Lady and sometimes even think they've hit her only to find she's disappeared. So, strap on your seatbelt. (text by P. Caldwell).

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Travel Channel Article

Only In Our State Article

Haunted Rooms