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Union-Graham Cemetery,Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, USA

Union-Graham Cemetery, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, USA:

Find a Grave

Although Union/Graham Cemetery now refers to the Cemetery located at 433 N. Michigan in Winfield Kansas, the cemetery actually started out as two separate cemeteries. Over the years the names were combined, but burial records are still kept separate for the two cemeteries. Limestone block markers have been installed over the last several years to help identify and differentiate the two old cemeteries. • Graham Cemetery established May 20th, 1872 under the supervision of the Winfield Cemetery Association.

• Union Cemetery established February 28, 1898 under the supervision of the Cowley Union Cemetery Association.

• Owned and operated by the City of Winfield since 1918.

• G.W. Graham was appointed the first City of Winfield Cemetery Sexton in 1918.

Joe Chrisman - Cemetery Sexton – 620-221-5666 – Donna Neal – Cemetery Records – 620-221-5531 –