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United States Naval Special Warfare Command

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  • Keith Davids
    Keith Bently Davids (born 1968) is an American United States Navy special warfare officer with the rank of rear admiral. He has served as the commander of Naval Special Warfare Command since August 1...
  • Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is an American author of thriller novels and former Navy SEAL officer.

The United States Naval Special Warfare Command (USNSWC), also known as (NAVSPECWARCOM and WARCOM), is the naval component of United States Special Operations Command, the unified command responsible for overseeing and conducting the nation's special operations and missions.

Originating in the unconventional naval units formed during the Second World War, WARCOM was established on 16 April 1987 at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado in San Diego, California. Its mission is to provide leadership, doctrinal guidance, resources and oversight to special operations carried out in maritime and littoral environments. WARCOM specializes in a broad range of tactical areas, including unconventional warfare, direct action, counterterrorism, special reconnaissance, and personnel recovery.

WARCOM is organized primarily around eight Navy SEAL teams, three Special Boat Teams, and various supporting commands, totaling approximately 9,200 personnel. Units can operate independently, as part of navy carrier battle groups and amphibious ready groups, or integrated with other US special operations forces. By utilizing the United States Navy's ships, submarines, and overseas facilities, WARCOM forces can be deployed rapidly around the world.