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United States Senators from Colorado

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  • Governor John Wright Hickenlooper, Jr.
    John Wright Hickenlooper, Jr. (born February 7, 1952) is a member of the Democratic Party and the 42nd and current Governor of Colorado. Hickenlooper has served as Governor since 2011. He serves as a m...
  • Ken Salazar, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, U.S. Senator
    Kenneth Lee Salazar, (brother of John Salazar), a Senator from Colorado; born in Alamosa, Colorado, March 2, 1955; B.A., political science, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1977; J.D., Univer...
  • Ben Nighthorse Campbell, U.S. Senator
    Ben Nighthorse Campbell, a Representative and a Senator from Colorado; born in Auburn, Calif., April 13, 1933; attended public schools; B.A., California State University at San Jose 1957; attended Meij...
  • Hank Brown, U.S. Senator
    George Hanks (Hank) Brown, a Representative and a Senator from Colorado; born in Denver, Colo., February 12, 1940; attended the public schools; graduated, Menlo-Atherton High School 1957; B.S., Univers...
  • Tim Wirth, U.S. Senator
    Timothy E. Wirth, a Representative and a Senator from Colorado; born in Santa Fe, N.Mex., September 22, 1939; graduated, Harvard University 1961; received a graduate degree from the Harvard Graduate Sc...

United States Senators from Colorado

United States Senators from Colorado (U.S. Senate website):

List of United States Senators from Colorado (with wikipedia links):