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Valhalla Memorial Park, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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  • Charles Sinclair Stewart (1876 - 1939)
    Married Amabel B. Hardin on December 25, 1900 in Kane, Illinois Their children: Bonnylee and Leslie Lorraine Stewart Married 2nd: Martha L. Ertelon August 2, 1911 in Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin ...
  • William F. Koch, Sr. (1886 - 1980)

Valhalla Memorial Gardens, established in 1920, is located on the northwest side of Milwaukee at 5402 N. 91st St..

The cemetery was formerly owned by Valhalla Memorial Gardens Inc. In 2007, the 80-acre property was sold to Bronzestone Group of Nashotah, the cemetery arm of Granite Resources Corp at a cost of $800,000. Half of the property is occupied by graves, the remaining land is open. The site also includes a crematorium. Prior to the purchase the memorial park was not well-maintained. Bronzestone plans to spend about $200,000 to improve its appearance and infrastructure.

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