Playing with colours
The flower had once seen a caravan passing.
Men?-she echoed.
I think there are six or seven of them in existence. I saw them, several years ago. But one never knows where to find them. The wind blows them away. They have no roots, and that makes their lives very difficult.
From Little prince by Antoine-de-Saint-Exupery
A report is generated for each option. To see it, click on Media tab on person's profile, click on graph image and below the image you will see
Ancestors birth locations (example)
Each ancestors is represented in terms of the location they are from, locations are color coded and can be edited. The list is generated automatically. As it happens, some place names appear in multiple versions due to typos, language etc, but choosing a same color for them and them merging them will get around that problem. Little black circle marks an ancestors who ppears more than once in the tree. The 'person unknown' is used where ancestor is missing, while 'place unknown' where ancestors is known but not their place of birth. Also, due to resolution of the screen or file type, outwards information is not easily seen, but it if you have a large screen you will be able to see much more then on the images presented here. see for example graph for my father whose ancestors were born in the same place for as far as I can display it
Common ancestors for a single person (example)
It is of hard to visualise a tree if some of ancestors appear more than once. After choosing the focus person, the graph is generated displaying in same colour duplicated ancestors. Each group of same ancestor is displayed in a different colour. Ovo može biti zanimljivo onima medju čijim precima ima rodbinskih veza.
Common ancestors between two people (example)
This is my favorite one, I have chosen as an example my father and young Simun. After choosing two people whose ancestors you want to compare, the graph is generated for the Person 1, with only displaying if the ancestors is repeated (circle) in its first occurrence or in green (where it appears again). Ancestors of Person 2 are overlayed on this and if there are overlaps, they are marked in another color (light blue). Again, colours are user defined and you can choose what you like. Count of common ancestors is also displayed.
Zajednički preci izmedju dvoje ljudi - korisno izmedju osoba ima višestrukih veza
Twin ancestors
Property displayed on this graph marks each ancestor who was a twin in one colour, and if they had siblings who were twins in different colour
example for twin ancestors
Number of children in ancestors families
Property displayed on this graph is number of children ancestor. It helps visualise fecund families.
example for number of children for ancestors
API version being tested on test profile, see parents, current bugs
- accents
- graph gives a good indication how 'dense' your tree is and also where the location data is missing Happy to hear comments as this is very much work in progress, so any idea how to improve it and make it useful welcome.
For a web-only variation of this visualization, check the Ancestor Graph found in the HistoryLink Geni Project.
Cvijet je jednog dana vidio kako prolazi karavan.
Ljudi?-odgovorio je cvijet.
Ima ih, ja mislim, šest ili sedam. Vidio sam ih prije mnogo godina. Ali nikad se ne zna gdje ih možeš naći. Vjetar ih nosi. Nemaju korijen, i to im jako smeta.
Mali prince Antoine-de-Saint-Exupery
Igre bojama
A report is generated for each option. To see it, click on Media tab on person's profile, click on graph image and below the image you will see
Ancestors birth locations (example)
Each ancestors is represented in terms of the location they are from, locations are color coded and can be edited. The list is generated automatically. As it happens, some place names appear in multiple versions due to typos, language etc, but choosing a same color for them and them merging them will get around that problem. Little black circle marks an ancestors who ppears more than once in the tree.
The 'person unknown' is used where ancestor is missing, while 'place unknown' where ancestors is known but not their place of birth.
Also, due to resolution of the screen or file type, outwards information is not easily seen, but it if you have a large screen you will be able to see much more then on the images presented here.
see for example graph for my father whose ancestors were born in the same place for as far as I can display it
Common ancestors for a single person (example)
It is of hard to visualise a tree if some of ancestors appear more than once. After choosing the focus person, the graph is generated displaying in same colour duplicated ancestors. Each group of same ancestor is displayed in a different colour.
Ovo može biti zanimljivo onima medju čijim precima ima rodbinskih veza.
Common ancestors between two people (example)
This is my favorite one, I have chosen as an example my father and young Simun.
After choosing two people whose ancestors you want to compare, the graph is generated for the Person 1, with only displaying if the ancestors is repeated (circle) in its first occurrence or in green (where it appears again). Ancestors of Person 2 are overlayed on this and if there are overlaps, they are marked in another color (light blue). Again, colours are user defined and you can choose what you like. Count of common ancestors is also displayed.
Zajednički preci izmedju dvoje ljudi - korisno izmedju osoba ima višestrukih veza
Twin ancestors
Property displayed on this graph marks each ancestor who was a twin in one colour, and if they had siblings who were twins in different colour
example for twin ancestors
Number of children in ancestors families
Property displayed on this graph is number of children ancestor. It helps visualise fecund families.
example for number of children for ancestors
API version being tested on test profile, see parents, current bugs
- accents
- graph gives a good indication how 'dense' your tree is and also where the location data is missing
Happy to hear comments as this is very much work in progress, so any idea how to improve it and make it useful welcome.
For a web-only variation of this visualization, check the Ancestor Graph found in the HistoryLink Geni Project.