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Wheeler Hill Cemetery, Littleton, New Hampshire

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  • Arthusa Kellogg (1797 - 1839)
  • Alexander Albee (1777 - 1843)
    Find a Grave Birth: Aug. 16, 1777 Westmoreland Cheshire County New Hampshire, USADeath: Jun. 24, 1843 Littleton Grafton County New Hampshire, USAFamily links: Parents:*Zuriel Albee (1747 - 1824)*Anna...
  • Paul Albee (1776 - 1780)
  • Pvt. Zuriel Albee (1747 - 1824)
    Private in Continental Army under his father Captain John Albee 1775Captain of company which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Roxbury
  • Anna Albee (1757 - 1841)

The so-called "Wheeler Hill Cemetery" on the west slope of Wheeler Hill, is really three separate cemeteries adjoined to one another; it is an unusual conglomeration of an old pre-existing cemetery, an even older one that was moved next door, and current burials around the moved cemetery. Plot numbers are unofficial, but indicate in which 'cemetery' the folks were buried.

The History of Littleton (written in 1895, pub.1905) says, "On the road leading from [Dalton] to the village [of Littleton] is a small burial-place known as the Wheeler Graveyard, taking its name from the neighborhood in which it is located. In it are several generations of the Wheelers, [from Sally (Miller) Wheeler who d. Nov 27 1821] to the 4th generation. Other than the Wheelers and the descendants of their daughters, very few are buried here." A quarter of the space is, however, taken up by the Townes and their descendants, who also lived in this neighborhood.

When the Samuel Moore Hydroelectric Dam was built; two cemeteries in Waterford, Vt and one in the Pattenville section of Littleton, NH; were to be flooded and were moved. The Pattenville Cemetery (created March 1790) was adjoined to the north boundary of the Wheeler Cemetery in 1955; a new cemetery, Riverside Cemetery, was created on the Vermont side, just downstream of the dam, and the Upper Waterford Cemetery and Pike Cemetery moved there in 1953.

Plot numbers for those originally buried in the Pattenville Cemetery are listed left to right, front to back as CurrentSect-Row-Stone#=PlatMapGrid-OrigStone# (e.g."A-1-1=1A-40" means, "currently in Sect A, row 1, 1st stone; was originally in grave #40, grid 1A of the 1927 plat"); comparing new location=to=original location makes it clear that these folks were not reburied in the same order that their loved ones had them buried.

Plot numbers for Wheeler Cemetery are listed as W+Sect-Row-Stone# - listed left to right, front to back, skipped numbers indicate unmarked spaces which may or may not be graves.

Plot numbers for the new "Wheeler Hill" burials (Sects C & E) are listed as WH+Sect-Row-Stone# - listed right to left, back to front; (Sect F) is listed as WH+Sect-Row-Stone# - listed left to right, back to front - as that is the order burials are presently taking place in these three sections.


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