Archaeology - Women in archaeology
- Jeanne Marie ‘Monni’ ADAMS ‧ c.1921-2014 dec24 ‧
- Penelope ‘Pim’ ALLISON ‧ New Zealand x ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penelope_Allison
- Ethel Josephine ALPENFELS ‧ 1907-1981 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethel_Alpenfels
- Spanky AYALA ‧ x ‧
- Mary Catherine BATESON ‧ 1939-2021 ‧
- Gertrude Margaret Lowthian BELL ‧ 1868-1926 ‧
- Alice BLYTH Child ‧ x ‧ known for the book she co-authored ...
- Lydia CABRERA ‧ Cuba 1899-1991 Miami ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia_Cabrera
- Raimundo CABRERA ‧ 1852-1923 ‧ writer-lawyer & Elisa Marcaida CASANOVA
- Lynn CECI ‧ c.1931-1989 ‧
- Elsie Worthington CLEWS Parsons ‧ 1875-1941 ‧
- Helen Frances CODERE ‧ 1917-2009 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Codere
- Carrel COWAN-Ricks ‧ Lansing 1dec 1945-1997 jan11 ‧ https://prabook.com/web/carrel.cowan-ricks/432036
- William Joseph COWAN ‧ ‧ & Ella Louvisa JONES ‧ ‧
- &1984-1986 Norville RICKS ‧ x ‧
- Mary Helen CREIGHTON ‧ Nova Scotia 1899-1989 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Creighton
- Constance CRONIN ‧ x ‧
- Linda DARGA ‧ x ‧
- Janet Marjorie DAVIDSON ‧ x ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Davidson
- Angie Elbertha DEBO ‧ 1890-1988 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angie_Debo
- Ella Cara DELORIA ‧ 1889-1971 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ella_Cara_Deloria
- Dena Ferran DINCAUZE ‧ c.1934-2016 ‧ https://www.umass.edu/newsoffice/article/obituary-dena-f-dincauze-p...
- Phyllis C. DOLHINOW ‧ x ‧
- Cora Alice Du BOIS ‧ 1903-1991 ‧ & Jeanne TAYLOR ‧ 1912-1992 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cora_Du_Bois
- Amelia Ann Blanford EDWARDS ‧ 1831-1892 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelia_Edwards
- Carol R. EMBER ‧ 1943 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol_R._Ember
- Kitty F. EMERY ‧ x ‧ works in the tropical forests of Central America
- Honor FROST ‧ Nicosia 1917-2010 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_Frost
- Ruth FULTON Benedict ‧ 1887-1948 ‧
- Frederick Fulton ‧ x-1889 ‧ & Beatrice Shattuck
- Stanley Rossiter BENEDICT ‧ 1884-1936 ‧
- Henriette Antonia ‘Jettie’ GROENEWEGEN ‧ 1896–1982 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henriette_Groenewegen-Frankfort
- Florence May HAWLEY Ellis ‧ Mexico 1906-1991 ‧ https://maxwellmuseum.unm.edu/news-events/blog/womeninculture-flore...
- &1936-1940 Donovan SENTER ‧ x ‧
- & Bruce ELLIS ‧ x-1985 ‧
- Corinne Lisette HOFMAN ‧ 1959 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corinne_Hofman
- Clazina ‘Ina’ ISINGS ‧ 1919-2018 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ina_Isings
- Esther JANSMA ‧ 1958 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_Jansma
- Fleur KEMMERS ‧ 1977 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleur_Kemmers
- Susan ‘Sue’ KENT ‧ Oakland 1952-2003 apr12 Milwaukee ‧
- Kathleen Mary KENYON ‧ 1906-1978 ‧
- Theodora Covel KRACAW Kroeber-Quinn ‧ Denver 24mrt 1897-1979 jul4 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodora_Kroeber
- Charles Emmett KRACAW & Phebe Jane JOHNSTON
- &1921 1st marriage BROWN ‧ x-1923 ‧
- &1926 Alfred Louis KROEBER ‧ 1876-1960 ‧
- &1969 John QUINN ‧ x ‧
- Urve LINNAM - 1940-2023 -
- May MANDELBAUM Edel - 1909-1964 ‧
- Marjan MASHKOUR ‧ x ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjan_Mashkour
- Diane Elizabeth McEACHERN Barwick ‧ Canada 1938-1986 Australia ‧ & Richard Barwick - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_Barwick
- Margaret MEAD ‧ 1901-1978 ‧
- Betty Jane MEGGERS ‧ 1921-2012 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_Meggers
- Machteld Johanna MELLINK ‧ A’dam 1917-2006 Haverford ‧ https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machteld_Johanna_Mellink
- Mildred MOTT Wedel ‧ Marengo 7sep 1912-1995 ‧ https://www.jstor.org/stable/25669367?seq=1
- Frank Luther MOTT & Vera INGRAM
- &1939 Waldo Rudolph WEDEL ‧ 1908-1996 ‧
- Jeannette Ulrica Smit-NOLEN ‧ 10aug 1930-2016 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeannette_Nolen
- Maria REICHE GROSSE-Neumann ‧ Dresden 1903-1998 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Reiche
- Felix Reiche Grosse & Ana Elizabeth Neumann
- Wesley B. ROSE ‧ x ‧
- Ruth SAWTELL Wallis ‧ 1895-1978 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Sawtell_Wallis
- Joseph Otis SAWTELL & Grace QUIMBY
- & Wilson Dallam WALLIS ‧ 1886-1970 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_Dallam_Wallis
- Alison SHERIDAN ‧ x ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alison_Sheridan
- Gertrude Caton THOMPSON ‧ 1888-1985 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gertrude_Caton_Thompson
- William Caton Thompson & Ethel Page
- Barbara TSAKIRGIS ‧ 1954-2019 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Tsakirgis
- Flavia WATERS Champe ‧ Nebraska-Lincoln 3apr 1902-1992 okt6 ‧ https://history.nebraska.gov/collections/flavia-waters-champe-1902-...
- George L. WATERS & Ida PARSONS
- &1924 John Leland CHAMPE ‧ 1895-1978 ‧
- Dorothy WAY Eggan ‧ 1901-1965 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_Way_Eggan
- & Jean Carl HARRINGTON ‧ 1901-1998 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._C._Harrington
- & Frederick Russell EGGAN ‧ 1906-1991 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Eggan
- Heleen W.A.M. Sancisi-WEERDENBURG ‧ 1944-2000 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heleen_Sancisi-Weerdenburg
- Carolyn L. WHITE ‧ x ‧ her research interests center on historical archaeology in the Americas ...
- Elizabeth S. WING ‧ x ‧ https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/envarch/about/history/
- Hannah Marie WORMINGTON ‧ 1914-1994 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah_Marie_Wormington
- Charles Watkin Wormington & Adrienne Roucolle
- Ofelia ZEPEDA ‧ 1952 ‧ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ofelia_Zepeda