on January 31, 1863 in Girlachsdorf, Kr Reichenbach, Schleising, Germany per old family documents but there are many Reichenbachs and Schlesing is not a district that comes up in searches. SInce his wi...
mistakenly translated as Conrad during transcription at one time. Not Conrad... really is Eduard.Born in Girlachsdorf Guhlauer Antheil, Kreis Reichenbach (Eulengebirge) in Schlesien. Died in Girlachsdo...
original photo is larger, the background card is nearly 8 1/2 x 11 inches. The grave inscriptions are in “old” German script. The name on the left is Pauline Zimmer, 2/3/1836-?/7/1882, with what is pos...
and his wife both died when their car was hit by a train in downtown Waterloo, Iowa -- their car was hit at the Water Street crossing by a 150-car Chicago and Great Western freight train. Police said t...
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