This project is for people associated with the province of Ontario, Canada .If you have a brickwall in your research on a profile that is associated with Ontario , please start a discussion on it. Sources available for researching Ontario people: The following sources are not intended to be an all-inclusive list, but a starting point for research. Civil Registration of births, marriage and deat...
The province of Ontario was a primary destination for Finnish emigration to Canada. Finns settled most often in Thunder Bay district for its farming and logging opportunities, Sudbury district for the Copper Cliff mines, and Cochrane district for the Porcupine gold mines near Timmins. Ontario still has the largest Finnish-descending population in Canada. Largest Finnish communities in Canada C...
From the Wikipedia article on Northeastern University .Northeastern University (NU or NEU) is a private, research university in Boston, Massachusetts, established in 1898. It is categorized as a RU/H Research University (high research activity) by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs leading to doctoral degrees...
York University (French: Université York ) is a public research university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is Canada's third-largest university.York University has approximately 55,000 students, 7,000 faculty and staff, and 275,000 alumni worldwide. It has eleven faculties, namely the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Faculty of Science, Lassonde School of Engineering, Schulich Sc...
Thunder Bay, Ontario has a very large Finnish / Finnish-Canadian population This project covers the entire Thunder Bay District (Wikipedia) . The purpose of the project is to support the research and collaboration of Finnish and Canadian genealogists when it comes to Finnish emigrants to the area and their descendants who have lived there. Finnish immigrants began to arrive in the Thunder Ba...
Fort William Finns is a sub-group of the Thunder Bay Finns group. It has been created for research purposes. Finnish immigrants began to arrive in the Thunder Bay area in the mid 1870’s. At that time, the destination was either the City of Fort William, Ontario, Canada or the City of Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada until the two cities were amalgamated in 1970 to become the City of Thunder Bay. Af...
Homesteaders of Nolalu Ontario Canada ' Nolalu is a community about 48 km southwest of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. With the Government of Canada advertising for homesteaders and with the advent of the Port Arthur, Duluth and Western (PeeDee) Railway around the turn of the century, the first Finnish homesteaders along with a few Anglo-Saxon pioneers began to settle in Lybster, Strange, Marks...
The Seneca or Onödowá’ga:’ (pronounced: Oh-n'own-dough-wahgah) or "Great Hill People" are a group of Indigenous Iroquoian-speaking people who historically lived south of Lake Ontario, one of the five Great Lakes in North America. Their nation was the farthest to the west within the Six Nations or Iroquois League (Haudenosaunee) in New York before the American Revolution. They were the largest ...
Nakina Township was established in the Summer of 1923 as a railway hub for National Transcontinental Railways. The operations and most employrees were transferred from Grant. Today Nakina is part of Greenstone that includes also Beardmore, Geraldton and Longlac. This genealogy project has as ambition to document the families that lived in Nakina and their connection to their ancestral lines an...
This is a list of mayors of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Toronto's first mayor, William Lyon Mackenzie was appointed in 1834 after his Reform coalition won the new City of Toronto's first election, and Mackenzie was chosen by the Reformers.==History==From 1834 to 1857, and again from 1867 to 1873, Toronto mayors were not elected directly by the public. Instead, after each annual election of alderm...
The University of Guelph (U of G) is a comprehensive public research university in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. It was established in 1964 after the amalgamation of Ontario Agricultural College, the Macdonald Institute, and the Ontario Veterinary College, and has since grown to an institution of more than 28,000 students and academic staff. It currently offers over 94 undergraduate degrees, 48 grad...
The cemetery is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Park Avenue W (Ohio State Route 380) and Chambers Road. The cemetery is located in city of Ontario, Richland County, Ohio, and is # 10283 (Mansfield Memorial Park/ Mansfield Memorial Cemetery) in "Ohio Cemeteries 1803-2003", compiled by the Ohio Genealogical Society. The cemetery is registered with the Ohio Division of Rea...
Burns Cemetery Mono, Dufferin County, Ontario, Canada:
This is the master project for all Canadians, who have or currently hold the position of Senator from Ontario in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. All Canadian Senators are able to serve up and till the day that they turn 75, at which point they have to retire. They can retire from the job at any time before their 75th birthday.All members of the sub-projects should be added to the main Canadian Senator...
People of the Flint The Mohawk people - Kanienʼkehá꞉ka, are the most easterly section of the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois Confederacy. They are an Iroquoian-speaking Indigenous people of North America, with communities in southeastern Canada and northern New York State, primarily around Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. As one of the five original members of the Iroquois League, the Kanien...
This is a list of the premiers of the province of Ontario, Canada, since Confederation in 1867. Ontario uses a unicameral Westminster-style parliamentary government, in which the premier is the leader of the party that controls the most seats in the Legislative Assembly. The premier is Ontario's head of government, while the Queen of Canada is its head of state and is represented by the Lieuten...
Saint Andrew's West Cemetery South Stormont, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties, Ontario, Canada:
This project has been created to house all of the Notable People in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The Legislative Assembly of Ontario (also known as Ontario Legislative Assembly or Parliament of Ontario),[1] is the legislature of the Canadian province of Ontario, and is the second largest provincial legislature of Canada by number of members. It meets at the Ontario Legislative Building at Queen's Park in the provincial capital, Toronto.The Legislative Assembly has existed since 1867 when t...
The Ontario Liberal Party (French: Parti libéral de l'Ontario ) is a provincial political party in the province of Ontario, Canada. It has formed the Government of Ontario since the provincial election of 2003. The party is ideologically aligned with the Liberal Party of Canada but the two parties are organizationally independent and have separate, though overlapping, memberships. The party is ...
Bellevue Memorial Park was founded in 1892 with three original shareholders, Charles E. Harwood, H. C. Oakley and Dr. J.W. Oakley. The name “Bellevue” was selected by Mrs. Oakley, who named the cemetery after a street in her hometown of Ontario, Canada. The original by-laws of Ontario Cemetery Association (dba Bellevue Memorial Park) are dated May 24, 1891. Many of the families who are largel...
This cemetery is located on Con 5 Lot 18, Centreton, Haldimand Township, Northumberland County, Ontario. Find a Grave
The Methodist church and cemetery, located on 171 Merrill Road, Alnwick, Roseneath, Northumberland County, Ontario, were started in 1857 on the farm of Solomon Merrill and his wife, Maria Lapp. It is situated on Lot 19, Concession 4 of Alnwick twp. It was the second church and cemetery in Alnwick township. The cemetery is in current use, but the church, still standing, has not been used for ser...
Canadian Teachers= Pictured Right:- 1950 Canadian School Train. Pupils attend classes at Nemegos near Chapleau, Ontario Please add the profiles of Canadian teachers to this profile but please do not include any tutors. These should be added to Tutors Education in Canada is for the most part provided publicly, funded and overseen by federal, provincial, and local governments.[16] Education is wi...
This cemetery is located on 114 Toronto Road, Port Hope, Northumberland County, Ontario. It's also known as Union Cemetery . Find a Grave Billion Graves