Founders of the town of Southampton Please add profiles to project for the people named in bold below, and also, hyperlink them. Southold, Southampton, and East Hampton New Netherland Institute - Eastern Long Island In 1640, a group of "straitened" English pioneers left the town of Lynn in the Massachusetts Bay colony in search of land and a better life. They thought they had found it wh...
The Medieval Merchant's House, Hampshire, England= The Medieval Merchant's House is a restored late-13th-century building in Southampton, Hampshire, England. Built in about 1290 by John Fortin, a prosperous merchant, the house survived many centuries of domestic and commercial use largely intact. German bomb damage in 1940 revealed the medieval interior of the house, and in the 1980s it was res...
Hampshire - Main Page == Historic County of England =====Image right - County Flag of Hampshire . Attribution - By Hogweard - Own work, Public Domain, Wiki Commons ===Related Projects>===== Hampshire Famous People >===== Hampshire Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Hampshire >===== Historic Buildings of Hampshire >===== Hampshire Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards