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לאו Genealogy and לאו Family History Information

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  • Baruch Lowe [Hatzadik] Poisner (1721 - 1790)
    Rabbi Baruch (Hatzadik - הצדיק) Loew was the father of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady - "The Alter Rebbe", founder of the Chabad movemennt and dynasty - תנועת ושושלת חב"ד
  • Betzalel ben Yehuda Loew, [Maharal Gt.Gd.father?] (c.1418 - c.1460)
    Bezalel was supposedly the son of Yehuda Hazaken ben Bezalel Loew. But the old Yehuda has been proved to be a mistake, as he died 100 years later. So it is now unclear who the father is.See NOT Maharal...
  • Betzalel HaZaken ben Yehuda Hazaken Loew (c.1342 - d.)
    Rabbi Bezalel (Hazaken) ben Yehuda LOEB was reportedly a descendant of King David (91 generations earlier). (See Aryeh Lifschuetz, Avoth Atarah le-Banim, Warsaw (1927) p. 163 and The ESKELES Genealogy ...
  • Rabbi Bezalel Charif Loew, [Maharal son #3] (c.1547 - 1599)
    Rabbi Betzalel "Charif" LOEW (1547 - 1599 d. Kolin) was the firstborn (perhaps not) son of the Maharal of Prague, Rabbi Judah LOEW. His descendants include 7 generations of Rabbis. * Rabbi Shmuel LOEW ...
  • Rabbi Chaim ben Betzalel, ABD Friedberg, brother Maharal (c.1524 - 1588)
    R' Chaim (Hayyim) Loew (LOEB). Born: 1506 or 1510 or 1515 in Worms? Died: 1588 in Friedberg, Germany. "Rabbi Chaim Loeb" one of four brothers about whom the great commentator and posek R' Shlomo Luria...

About the לאו surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the לאו surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the לאו surname.

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