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Billitzer Genealogy and Billitzer Family History Information

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  • ? Halevi Billitzer (deceased)
    Connected as daughter of Rabbi Moshe Mintz - MaHaram Mintz of Altofen (Obuda - Budapest) based on profile name. This needs confirming. Husband is five years older than her father! Mistaken connection,...
  • Abraham Adolf Adolph HaLevi Billitzer (c.1800 - 1877)
    BILLITZER, Adolf (d. 09-Jan-1877, Pest; age 77, Born Unzdorf [=Huncovce]%29 . Death Record: Budapest/ 67-02. Wife: Johanna [maiden name Hartmann]. Source: LDS 720185, Vol.48.
  • Abraham Billitzer (c.1859 - d.)
    BILLITZER, Abraham (age 24, from/b Szerencs) son of Amram Billitzer married ROTTENSTEIN, Roza (age 19, from Czegenydanyad) daughter of Samuel Rottenstein. Marriage Registration: 29-Dec-1883 (Szatmar, L...
  • Adalbert Billitzer (1913 - 1988)
  • Dr. jur. Adalbert Bela Billitzer (1845 - 1929)
    (1) Dr. Adalbert Billitzer war einerseits ein äußerst angesehener Hof- und Gerichtsadvocat und andererseits der Patriarch der großen und weitverzweigten Familie Billitzer in Wien. Als bekennender Juden...

About the Billitzer surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Billitzer surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Billitzer surname.

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