There are already 363 users and over 8,988 genealogy profiles with the Davey surname on Geni. Explore Davey genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Birth: 1840 in At Sea Of The Coast Of New Zealandoften feted as the first white child born in New Zealand.lived in New South Wales.Married: 1858 in Maldon, Vic*******************************AVICE NANKI...
Deveye, b. 12 Feb 1589, Burns, St Mary, Essex, England Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 06 Apr 1660, Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA ----------------------------------------...
Daniel Davey was the son of John Vittery Davey and Ellen Louisa Lovelock Davey (nee Joyce), of Broomfield, Papakaio, Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand; husband of Nellie Florence Vernon (formerly Davey), of 3...
I am searching for any connection with Denis Ronald Davey beryl frances Davey
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