David Kovacs Naturalization 1913
July 9, 1913
New York, NY, United States
People: David Kovacs and Rosalie Ehrenfeld
Frey Majer - Ehrenfeld Mina.jpg
šurany, Nové Zámky District, Nitra Region, Slovakia
People: Mirel Frey
People: Daniel Ehrenfeld
Z-Stammbaum ~ 1490.ged
People: Susanna Catharina Bauer, Hans Conrad Ulmer, Anna Rechkammer and 505 others.
U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
People: Rose Weiner, Esther B Weiner, Isidor Weiner and 2 others.
U.S. Public Records Index
People: Private, Rose Weiner, Elizabeth Ehrenfeld and 2 others.