Lankutis Klova 1915 marriage.jpg
January 25, 1915
Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States
Groom is a single man, age 25, from Kruopiai Bride is a single woman, age 21, from Akmenė Witnesses: John Karvelis, C...
People: Frank Joseph Lankutis, Ursule Lankutis, John Klova and 3 others.
1920 United States Federal Census
People: Chester Lampert, Celia Reisfeld, Isidore Klover and 5 others.
U.S. City Directories
People: Isidore Klover and Hyman Loorya
1940 United States Federal Census
People: Hannah Klaver, Chester Lampert, Celia Reisfeld and 5 others.
1930 United States Federal Census
People: Chester Lampert, Celia Reisfeld, Isidore Klover and 9 others.
2738- Daniel Gerhardus Kolver (4).JPG
Gesamentlike testament
People: Adriana Johanna Gysberta Klover