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Emory Genealogy and Emory Family History Information

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  • Abraham Hembree (Emory, Emery) (1757 - 1835)
    See Larry Petrisky's thorough research on Abraham Hembree at EMORY OR HEMBREE b. 16 May 1757 Upper SC (later became Spartanburg District, SC) d. 1835-1839 Hamilton Co, TNAbraham applied for a pension f...
  • Anne Emory (c.1667 - 1721)
    1. Proof that this is Anne, dau of Tristram Thomas and Ann (Possibly Ann Coursey).On 13 July 1702, William Thurlo, Gent., and his wife Ann (my note: Ann Coursey married 2nd William Thurloe) conv. to hi...
  • Elizabeth Rogers (c.1748 - aft.1782)
    Elizabeth Emory was a Cherokee woman Biography Elizabeth Emory was born circa 1748 in the Cherokee Nation (east) to Mary (Grant) Emory (1728-abt.1765), Cherokee daughter of trader Ludovic Grant (ab...
  • Emma Rosalie Emory (1832 - 1858)
  • Ernestine Emory (1912 - 2000)
    Birth: Sep. 22, 1912 Mississippi, USA Death: Sep. 16, 2000 Louisiana, USAErnestine was married to Sherwood L. Emory Sr. and the mother of Sherwood L. Emory Jr. and the late Robert L. Emory Sr. Burial...

About the Emory surname

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