Groza family may descend from Ar-Ge-Za-Rawa-Ha,alias Agraza-Wa-Ha,ancestor of gruzin as well as of ag'azi nation in Abyssinia,king of Hiero-Solyma in Roraima
territory for 52 years between about 875 until 823 b.c.,founder or builder of A'awala-Te in the nawatl country called by the latter T'ula and its king Chalchiu'tlanetzin .
As a descendant of Bagrat-Za ,the Zarathustra of Baktria,and of Arya-Te from Maya'ab obviously in Ze-Be-Laya-Na ,that is of maya origin from Belize ,his family evolved a language
on arawak-bantu bases but influenced for some reason by the dialect of levites spoken at them close to salvic-baltic and to celtic-latin and closest to the anatolian now extinct dialect once wide-spread also in
Europe in the South and elsewhere.
Mayan levites ,of whom Arya-te and also later Aba-Tesh-Ayag-Ra might have come possessed the cities or states in the Holy Land called Ak-A-Ra-Teha or Ag-Karet-Teha,corresponding to Thrákia in Europe, and to Karthago in Libya, and Ana-Hella-La ,that is the Hellás beyond,later involving the meaning of Anatolia ,and some more .
The state of Kartli might have though been founded by people from Karthago and named of its prince Karthalo crucified by his father Maze somewhen about ,I suppose 723 b.c at his likely age of about 33 years. This event might have been an occasion for his followers to leave Karthago and to found Rome in Saturnia
for the second time in that century some 30 years after Rhómyl,which finally was used for the beginning point of another aera of their own for long time in use as late as up to some 400 years ago when it was
together with other countings of years fourced to abandone in favour of the general aera of the italians that began in 1349 b.c. used until this very day,stating as if it had something to do with the birth of - a -
Iésus Khréstos. Karthalo himself though might have also been considered by his men as a saviour and could be a subject of idolatry ,a founder of one version of early vulgar christianity in the pagan ages .
Karthago itself was founded,as stated,some 72 years before Rome,that is then about 795 b.c.,namely
with upmost likeliness by At-Ar-A-Hag-Ka-Ha king of Mesta-Rawama,contemporane with Awakhazha-Kawahaya king of the capital between about 792 and 764 b.c.. In case he is identical with Caradauc king of Britain too ( Ka-Ar-A-At-Dauk ),son of Bron son of Llyr ( Ly Bon ,king of Vietnam until 800 b.c.,when he was taken off the head unfortunately but said to have a long story with it even after ),then he was a cousin of the kings of Roraima too,because Manawyddan was Bron's brother and he is A-Wa-Yet-An-Ma,ancestor of arawak amoetano tribe,father of A'akha-Ze father of the mentioned Awakhazha-Kawahaya .
Much earlier lived though another Ar-Ge-Zawa-Ha,possible founder of Arzawa,from the family of E-Was-T-Ha-Ra,who is the ancestor of levites of Thrakia and Etrusskia .
Jews and christians read Aazaryah or Uuzzziyah,'Eilat,Boaz,Rut,Zebulon,Bat-Shua,Kartah,Nahalal, Tirhakah,Mitsraim,Yekhizkiyahu,Yotam,'Akhaz,Yitshar .
See Görög,Oltean,Wittmann,Rusznák,Rosenhack,Szergényi,Bagratuni,Karagunis,Oláh,Nogaj,Strauss, Wagner,Ürményi,Yokohama,Miskolczy,Rigó,Czigány,David,Tull,Pacurar,Purcar,Landau,London,Rácz,Zsákay, Georg,Grúz,Kominka,Permyakov,Mezei,Balkar,Türk,Moldvan and more !
Balázs Déri